聽口音像是德國人唸英文, 低沉的腔調...🙂 The goal was clear. Even more Porsche. In terms of refernce for the engineers was also clear. To the point. The new Cayenne models.
昨天財政部長李述德對歐洲商業公會的午餐演講, 下面是筆記起來對奢侈稅及能源稅, 政府目前的態度. 英文莫怪~😊<br><br>Luxury goods tax<br>================<br>Minister Lee said there were no plans to impose a special tax on luxury goods. While a tax on luxury goods had been academically studied, it would not be implemented in the current economic climate. Comments were made in response to the concerns of ECCT's Luxury Goods committee members, who have been petitioning the government not to impose an additional tax on luxury goods, arguing that it would hurt not only luxury goods retailers but also the wider travel and tourism industiy.<br><br>Energy consumption taxes<br>========================<br>1. With regard to speculation about possible taxes on energy consumption, Minister Lee said the issues are still being considered and results could take two to three years. He stressed that the purpose of a reform on energy taxes is to encourage a cut in energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions.<br>2. He admitted that the system is overly complicated and needs to be reformed while various taxes, such as commodity tax and tariffs, should be consolidated. While he did not give specifics as to how this would be done, Minister Lee stressed that the purpose of reform efforts would not be to increase tax revenue but to change consumption habits.<br>3. ln this regard, the MoF in conjunction with other ministries including the MoEA is studying various proposals for tax and non-tax instruments to bring about change. Lee said that it could be two to three years before changes would be introduced.<br><br>有興趣的人參考一下吧~🙂
請教一下各路高手, 小弟剛組一部電腦, 用的是主機板內建音效, 聲音輸出也很簡單, 就一條音源線連接到 LCD 內附的喇叭, 如此而已. 所有的電腦音效都很正常, 例如 windows 音效, 看 youtube, 玩 game 都沒問題.<br><br>但想要放 DVD 時, 卻是只有影像而沒有聲音? 我的 DVD 是 LG 燒錄器, SATA 介面, 灌 LG 內附的 PowerDVD. 我記得組裝時, 雖然主機板上有一個是要連接光碟機音源的插頭, 但由於 LG 燒錄器是 SATA 所以沒有這個音源接頭. 光碟機背面就是 SATA 電源及排線而已. 😴<br><br>但為啥一放 DVD 進去, 就是只能播影像而沒有聲音呢? 隨附的那套 PowerDVD 我也看了, 沒什麼選項可以調整.... 有沒有高手能幫忙啊? 感謝感謝~~ 🙂
美國J.D. Power and Associates公佈了最新調查報告—APEAL車輛性能、操作與車體設計等綜合性的評比,除了以品牌作為調查評分依據外,也根據乘用車與多功能車款以車輛級具予以區別,評選各自的排行名單;而結果顯示,車廠品牌排名中,PORSCHE連續五年蟬聯冠軍寶座,JAGUAR與CADILLAC則分居亞軍與季軍。
全名為J.D. Power and Associates 2009 Automotive Performance, Execution and Layout(APEAL)的調查中,主要乃是針對今年2月至5月期間購買新車後三個月的車主們,針對其新車的性能、操作使用性與車體設計等三大面向加以評論,此次共有80,900位車主參與調查。