為什麼賣喔,其實我已看到新款的Type-R的樣子了,在http://www.superhonda.com/上可以看到,聽說在2002年會出,所以我想現在賣掉我這款Type-R等新樣式,再說我19歲而已,加上Type-R的跑車風格,那驚人的保費讓我有點吃不消,所以我還是想有點速度,所以選台長得一樣,但慢很多的Integra LS ^^ 我那台Type-R賣了17000,我覺得還不錯啦~~關於GS20,我也是想那台那麼重的車,但我有的資料是GS20 145hps,Integra LS 140hps,看扭力GS20好像也比較大一點,且找不到0~60要幾秒這類的資料,所以遲遲不敢答應,我也想我兩個布椅可能加起來的重量還沒GS20一個皮椅還有熱屁屁的東東來的重....,但還是希望各位提供一些數據讓小弟安心些~~ 另外說E430,那也是台很重的車,非常的笨重,僅管說擁有強大的馬力,但0~100有沒可能靠輕盈的車身所以贏過呢??謝謝囉~~
哇,照你這樣說,所有Acura的車都用HID囉,除了Integra以外......,太不公平啦.....,且我想問你關於Acura的問題,你會不會感覺Acura的市場價值沒有Lexus高呢??我想有吧,為什麼ㄋ??論性能,Acura絕對比較好,論品質,我就不信Acura不能做到,但總覺得Acura的車就沒Lexus有水準......還有NSX已10年啦,這麼久,那引擎是10年前就用現在的引擎嗎??還是中間有換過,但外表沒改,要是沒換過的話,那Acura在10年前就能做出這麼好的引擎也太厲害啦~~再說學校,嗯,我想你的訊息有點錯喔,UCLA是比Yale的工科強多啦,但那所University of South Florida可就差遠啦,可以到USNEWS去看看,看大學部工程學院排名囉~~但我還是很佩服你,你的GPA可以拿到4.0!!!!太猛啦,有沒有從修的ㄚ,呵呵~~,不然每科要A,四年都要A,又在UCLA這種top的學校,那你真厲害囉~~,但我在美國所有的開銷也是我自己賺的,靠獎學金,哈,那點錢能幹啥,從學費,吃,住,車,所有東東我都自己玩股票賺來的,雖然GPA只有3.33,但我從不讓我父母擔心我在這,是我選擇自己來的,不想讓他們付擔這的錢.你一年保險要6000ㄚ!!!,NSX果然保費高....,其實你說的很對,你只會想和F355和P911玩,但又能玩啥呢??碰一下就吐血了,我們又沒有錢像一個車隊,玩速度,在一般道路開快就是沒品的駕駛人,那開F355又有啥用呢??唉....,心中的矛盾ㄚ,對啦,想問你一件事,你說你是BMW殺手,我同意BMW都是overprice,那想請問你有沒有和850尬過呢??雖然已停產,但感覺還是一台很不一樣的車,不曉得和NSX比如何,所以NSX>M3,那NSX?BMW850,你覺得呢??我對車不是很懂,還請你多指教囉~~
To Integra, 關於換色,我保正你沒買過Type-R,為什麼不能在日本就換色,當然可以囉,你以為我是找人來噴ㄚ,別傻啦,去買買看Type-R,早點訂的話就可以要求在運出日本前換色的,知道嗎,不要讀個不怎樣的學校一般學識不懂,連這方面都不懂,就會來這嗆別人,唉,心態怪怪.... 管理叔叔,對不起喔,不應該在這做人生攻擊的喔,okok,我以後盡量不會啦,希望大家回到原來的話題,討論Misubishi到底是不是垃圾,哈,不好意思灌了這麼多沒用的水~~
To H 嗯,關於CL,聽說不錯啦,但好像廣告沒做那麼大,所以沒有IS-300來的有名,說真的,要玩車的人有多少呢??大家買台車,除了速度外,還要舒服,還有更多用途的,不然把一台車改成在賽車一樣,那多不方便,所以感覺CL沒IS-300那麼出名..... To Integra, 老兄,你確定S2000可以跑贏Type-S嗎??還是你可能連Type-S都沒見過,唉,早說過鄉下小民嘛,要我離開Yale,也永遠輪不到你ㄚ,那叫啥的佛羅里達南方大學嗎,哈,可笑,別人不笑你是對你好,不要一直在這獻寶啦~~唉.....,小民......無知ㄚ,還有ㄚ,題目是Misubishi 的車是垃圾,不是給你在這炫耀你的 Integra的,和你那所不怎樣的學校,唉......真丟臺灣人的臉.....
To Henrymx6, 你好,其實我覺得為什麼臺灣不進Acura呢??怪怪,要進的話一定很紅的,真搞不懂Honda的臺灣代理商在想啥,還是Honda不願意進呢??關於M3,哈,我那朋友....,不算朋友啦,只是純粹嗆我的,我不曉得他怎麼弄到得,但也不驚訝,他家有錢的很,又有權,他又是獨生子,那有拿不到的東東,唉.....,還有ㄚ,那Integra是你朋友吧,說話怎麼這麼嗆,讀Yale也不信,開Type-R也不信,天ㄚ,好像全世界的人都不能比他好囉,幫幫忙開導他一下吧,有空來來紐約,永遠會給他無限驚喜,M3,哈,我還看過藍寶基尼和法拉利一起發生車禍勒,真是的,鄉下小民,來這撒野,唉..... 其實我也認為Misubishi的車沒Honda好啦,但比起很多美國車已算不錯啦,想你在美國也一定曉得盡量不要買美國車的道理,所以如果Misubishi是垃圾的理論成立的話,那其他美國車我們就可以叫他垃圾屑啦,這樣我同意啦,總之就是雖然不是很好,但也不是最差的,呵呵~~ ^^
For this title, Misubishi sucks??or Galant sucks?? Galant is not a sports car, four doors, normal power, it's for family. But it doesn't mean Misubishi sucks, EVO, VR4 and GTO these kind of famous cars are also made by Misubishi, so Misubishi may not be as good as Honda, but I am pretty sure that Misubishi is better than some other America style cars....like Dodge, Oldsmobile, Buick and Chevorlet. Then to Jack, don't worry about your car, even though isn't not the best one, Galant is not the worst one either. ^^
To Integra, Hi, you live in FL?? the same as Henrymx6. I am studying in Yale University, major is EE, 19 years old, Type-R is my first car, I earned money by myself and got this one. For S2000, it's a nice car, but not useful for me, my car is not only for cool, I have to use my car to do a lot thing, so I won't think about S2000, even the price is good~~ To FL, ha, I won't drive my car to there, same as you won't drive your car to here, too far~~anyway, nice to meet you, and I think I know how to drive my Type-R, or you meaned you want drive my Type-R, ha~~but sorry, I will sell my Type-R soon, for me, it's just a car, I can wait for new model Type-R, or buy a CLK. By the way, I have a question, your RS has 140 hps, and you sure 3.0 Galant is not faster than yours?? I know Integra is a good car, but 3.0 Galant has 195 hps, got 55 hps away....anyway, I still love Integra~~
So, accodring what you said and your title, you mean the people who drive civic are not good driver, and civic is not a good car, because civic is too slow??? that's what you mean?? then please give me the reason why people dirve civic are not good driver?? do you think when they drive your MX6 or 300ZX will become good drivers?? if not, is there any relationshop between people and car?? seems you mean when people drive civic on the road, they are dangerous, and when they drive other kind of car, it's find for them, do you mean that?? By the way, I didn't know civic has Type-R before, cause I am so young that I don't know much about car, I woke up already, anyway, thanks your speech. ^^ PS, I live in CT, where are you??? hope can be friends with you~~
How can you compare civic with IS-300, then means you can pay $17,000 us dollars and got a IS-300, come on, wake up, if not don't say so, ok?? Live in US so what, you think you know a lot car?? you think you know a lot stock civic in US?? little baby, ha~~ ^^
ya, Acura CL Type-S has 270 hp, so powerful, Acura always has the best power than others, I drive Integra Type-R, very nice, if you want speed, please chose Acura, trust me ^^