
2017/05/06 01:42:46


#6013413 IP 246.168.*.* 修改過4 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2017/05/06 01:42:46

發文IP 246.168.*.*

兩個人功夫都不怎麼樣,卻還敢赴約格鬥,難道不怕遇到真的高手被打死嗎? 這可能只是雙方都套好招所演的一場戲。

2017/05/06 23:30:37

發文IP 246.168.*.*

兩個人功夫都不怎麼樣,卻還敢赴約格鬥,難道不怕遇到真的高手然後被打死嗎? 這可能只是雙方都套好招所演的一場戲。

2017/05/07 00:25:34

發文IP 246.168.*.*

兩個人功夫都不怎麼樣,卻還敢赴約格鬥,難道不怕遇到真的高手然後被打死嗎? 這可能只是雙方都套好招所演的一場戲。 疑點一: 用裸拳對打是會打死人的,所以比賽時為了保護對手必須戴拳套,但打到重要部位,還是一樣只要一拳就暈了,打兩三拳以上可能就腦震盪昏迷不醒要送醫急救了。魏雷被徐曉冬推倒在地上,被裸拳打了十拳左右,竟然能馬上起來,臉上只有鼻子流血,其他好像都沒外傷。到底是魏有鐵頭功還是徐的拳頭沒有力? 疑點二: 魏雷賽後表示是因為穿著新鞋,而且地板材質易滑,才會跌倒。但很多武術在練習和比賽時都採用赤腳,若嫌地板太滑,為何不脫鞋。旁邊有圍欄的擂台場地,兩人不在擂台上比賽,卻選擇在人多的塑膠墊上比賽,難免讓人懷疑是為了要掩飾跌倒來鋪陳。 疑點三: 王戰海評論他的的門戶大開,其實步伐也有問題。後退時的步伐要一前一後是不能對調的。兩腳一對調,身體重心就改變了。重心一下左一下右無法及時反擊,就只能一直退退退,當然一不小心就跌倒了。看起來根本沒有什麼對打經驗,或是為了要掩飾跌倒來鋪陳。

2017/05/07 00:42:47

發文IP 246.168.*.*

兩個人功夫都不怎麼樣,卻還敢赴約格鬥,難道不怕遇到真的高手然後被打死嗎? 這可能只是雙方都套好招所演的一場戲。 疑點一: 用裸拳對打是會打死人的,所以比賽時為了保護對手必須戴拳套,但打到重要部位,還是一樣只要一拳就暈了,打兩三拳以上可能就腦震盪昏迷不醒要送醫急救了。魏雷被徐曉冬推倒在地上,被裸拳打了十拳左右,竟然能馬上起來,臉上只有鼻子流血,其他好像都沒外傷。到底是魏有鐵頭功或是徐的拳頭沒有力? 疑點二: 魏雷賽後表示是因為穿著新鞋,而且地板材質易滑,才會跌倒。但很多武術在練習和比賽時都採用赤腳,若嫌地板太滑,為何不脫鞋。旁邊有圍欄的擂台場地,兩人不在擂台上比賽,卻選擇在人多的塑膠墊上比賽,難免讓人懷疑是為了要掩飾跌倒來鋪陳。 疑點三: 王戰海評論他的的門戶大開,其實步伐也有問題。後退時的步伐要一前一後是不能對調的。兩腳一對調,身體重心就改變了。重心一下左一下右無法及時反擊,就只能一直退退退,當然一不小心就跌倒了。看起來根本沒有什麼對打經驗,或只是為了要掩飾跌倒。

2017/05/07 00:58:46

發文IP 246.168.*.*

兩個人功夫都不怎麼樣,卻還敢赴約格鬥,難道不怕遇到真的高手然後被打死嗎? 這可能只是雙方都套好招所演的一場戲。 疑點一: 用裸拳對打是會打死人的,所以比賽時為了保護對手必須戴拳套,但打到重要部位,還是一樣只要一拳就暈了,打兩三拳以上可能就腦震盪昏迷不醒要送醫急救了。魏雷被徐曉冬推倒在地上,頭部被裸拳打了十拳以上,竟然還能馬上起來,臉上只有鼻子流血,其他好像都沒外傷。到底是魏有鐵頭功或是徐的拳頭沒有力? 疑點二: 魏雷賽後表示是因為穿著新鞋,而且地板材質易滑,才會跌倒。但很多武術在練習和比賽時都採用赤腳,若嫌地板太滑,為何不脫鞋。旁邊有圍欄的擂台場地,兩人不在擂台上比賽,卻選擇在人多的塑膠墊上比賽,難免讓人懷疑是為了要掩飾跌倒來鋪陳。 疑點三: 王戰海評論他的的門戶大開,其實步伐也有問題。後退時的步伐要一前一後是不能對調的。兩腳一對調,身體重心就改變了。重心一下左一下右無法即時反擊,就只能一直退退退,當然一不小心就跌倒了。看起來根本沒有什麼對打經驗,或只是為了要掩飾跌倒。






2017/05/01 14:24:09


#6011744 IP 242.34.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 sun365 (~桑~) 所寫
回應 zceq (zceq) 所寫




前往討論:[轉貼] 戴資穎擊敗山口茜 奪下亞錦賽台灣首面金牌 !


2017/04/30 20:03:30


#6011505 IP 246.168.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2017/04/30 20:03:30

發文IP 246.168.*.*

恭喜! 當初差點被那什麼鬼邪會搞死,現在終於挺過來且狀況真的愈來愈好了。

2017/04/30 20:09:03

發文IP 246.168.*.*

前往討論:[轉貼] 戴資穎擊敗山口茜 奪下亞錦賽台灣首面金牌 !


2017/04/29 14:56:38


#6011311 IP 246.168.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2017/04/29 14:56:38

發文IP 246.168.*.*

有網友說這些病毒可能是防毒軟體公司私底下放出來的。[url="http://forum.u-car.com.tw/thread.asp?forumid=304506"][來源][/url] 不管是不是謠言,總之我是相信的。[無辜]

2017/04/29 23:28:07

發文IP 242.34.*.*

有網友說這些病毒可能是防毒軟體公司私底下放出來的。[url="http://forum.u-car.com.tw/thread.asp?forumid=304506"][來源][/url] 不管如何,總之我是相信了。[無辜][無辜][無辜][無辜][無辜]


2017/04/25 23:15:39


#6010355 IP 239.241.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


2017/04/09 18:11:41


#6006020 IP 242.34.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
前往討論:[轉貼] [爆卦] 敘利亞被美軍戰斧飛彈襲擊後高清組圖!


2017/03/29 22:26:47


#6003548 IP 242.34.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
前往討論:螢幕閃爍(螢幕跟顯卡都還沒有一年) 急急急


2017/03/22 22:52:21


#6001688 IP 242.34.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章



2017年3月22日 下午2:01






前往討論:[轉貼] 不只Note7 美男子用S7 edge自燃導致三度燒傷 !


2017/03/21 23:32:54


#6001338 IP 242.34.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2017/03/21 23:32:54

發文IP 242.34.*.*

這個球季已經第四次受傷了,可以預估他之後的職業生涯還是會一直不斷受傷。 參考一下Kobe的職業生涯最後幾年,受傷後康復沒多久又再受傷,陷入無限迴圈。主要因為肌肉沒有以往的強度,無法應付高張力的職業比賽。受傷情況類似,但林書豪可沒有Kobe的待遇,球隊應該無法容忍他繼續收傷。

2017/03/21 23:47:31

發文IP 242.34.*.*

這個球季已經第四次受傷了,可以預估他之後的職業生涯還是會一直不斷受傷。 參考一下Kobe的職業生涯最後幾年,受傷後康復沒多久又再度受傷,陷入無限迴圈。主要因為肌肉沒有以往的強度,無法應付高張力的職業比賽。受傷情況類似,但林可沒有Kobe的待遇,球隊應該無法容忍他繼續受傷。
前往討論:2016-17 林書豪-籃網加油區


2017/01/27 01:35:23


#5988807 IP 242.34.*.* 修改過2 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2017/01/27 01:35:23

發文IP 242.34.*.*


2017/01/27 01:48:07

發文IP 242.34.*.*


2017/01/27 01:52:40

發文IP 242.34.*.*



2016/12/31 03:17:44


#5979950 IP 242.34.*.* 修改過4 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2016/12/31 03:17:44

發文IP 242.34.*.*

跨年的慶祝活動當然是要看煙火。 看著耀眼奪目的煙火,整個心情就舒爽起來,真是療癒啊! -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url=" http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-"] http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-[/url] [b]Mobile phone burst into flames 'sending sparks flying like fireworks’ next to six-month-old baby[/b] 14:35, 30 DEC 2016| Updated16:59, 30 DEC 2016 A mobile phone burst into flames sending sparks flying like ‘fireworks’ just centimetres away from a baby, says the child’s mother. Mum-of-two Victoria Seed says she was shocked when she heard the bang and saw sparks flying from the Samsung Galaxy S6 was charging at the side of a bed. She says its flames made scorch marks in the youngster’s cot. There have been reports of some Samsung phones exploding but the electrical manufacturer has said in the past there were no known faults with the S6 devices. Victoria, 39, of Whitefield , said she got up on Christmas Eve and while she was in the hallway heard a bang. She said: “It wasn’t really loud, but it was enough to make me go straight back into the bedroom to see what it was. “There was a flame coming from the phone and sparks flying everywhere. They looked like fireworks.” Her son Ned had already been taken out of the cot, which was near the bedside table where the phone was being charged, and was laying on the bed. Victoria added: “I grabbed the baby and ran outside and my husband Tim unplugged the phone. “I rushed into the bathroom to make sure Ned was okay. He was around 20cm from where the phone was.” Photographs show the blackened cot and Victoria says there was also a burn mark on the cabinet. Victoria, who trains safeguarding for children for the NHS, added: “It was terrible. If I had been five more minutes I might not have heard it because I was about to get in the shower. It’s really worrying. I dread to think what could have happened.” She contacted Samsung, who she said told her they would send out a replacement phone. A week later she still hasn’t received it. A Samsung spokesperson said: "There are no known issues with the Galaxy S6. "Samsung stands behind the quality and safety of the millions of Galaxy S6 family phones in the market. Until Samsung is able to obtain and examine any device, it is impossible to determine the true cause of any incident. "Since being made aware of this case, Samsung has been attempting to contact the customer in order to organise collection of this device and investigate the cause of this incident. "Samsung has now been able to speak to the customer and is working directly with Ms Seed to confirm next steps. "Customer safety remains our highest priority and we work with any customer who has experienced an issue with a Samsung product in order to investigate the matter.”

2016/12/31 03:37:11

發文IP 242.34.*.*

跨年的慶祝活動當然是要看煙火。 看著耀眼奪目的煙火,整個心情就舒爽起來,真是療癒啊! -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/samsung-s6-explodes-fire-flames-12386162"]http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/samsung-s6-explodes-fire-flames-12386162[/url] [b]Mobile phone burst into flames 'sending sparks flying like fireworks’ next to six-month-old baby[/b] 14:35, 30 DEC 2016| Updated16:59, 30 DEC 2016 A mobile phone burst into flames sending sparks flying like ‘fireworks’ just centimetres away from a baby, says the child’s mother. Mum-of-two Victoria Seed says she was shocked when she heard the bang and saw sparks flying from the Samsung Galaxy S6 was charging at the side of a bed. She says its flames made scorch marks in the youngster’s cot. There have been reports of some Samsung phones exploding but the electrical manufacturer has said in the past there were no known faults with the S6 devices. Victoria, 39, of Whitefield , said she got up on Christmas Eve and while she was in the hallway heard a bang. She said: “It wasn’t really loud, but it was enough to make me go straight back into the bedroom to see what it was. “There was a flame coming from the phone and sparks flying everywhere. They looked like fireworks.” Her son Ned had already been taken out of the cot, which was near the bedside table where the phone was being charged, and was laying on the bed. Victoria added: “I grabbed the baby and ran outside and my husband Tim unplugged the phone. “I rushed into the bathroom to make sure Ned was okay. He was around 20cm from where the phone was.” Photographs show the blackened cot and Victoria says there was also a burn mark on the cabinet. Victoria, who trains safeguarding for children for the NHS, added: “It was terrible. If I had been five more minutes I might not have heard it because I was about to get in the shower. It’s really worrying. I dread to think what could have happened.” She contacted Samsung, who she said told her they would send out a replacement phone. A week later she still hasn’t received it. A Samsung spokesperson said: "There are no known issues with the Galaxy S6. "Samsung stands behind the quality and safety of the millions of Galaxy S6 family phones in the market. Until Samsung is able to obtain and examine any device, it is impossible to determine the true cause of any incident. "Since being made aware of this case, Samsung has been attempting to contact the customer in order to organise collection of this device and investigate the cause of this incident. "Samsung has now been able to speak to the customer and is working directly with Ms Seed to confirm next steps. "Customer safety remains our highest priority and we work with any customer who has experienced an issue with a Samsung product in order to investigate the matter.”

2017/01/06 00:57:06

發文IP 242.34.*.*

跨年的慶祝活動當然是要看煙火。 看著耀眼奪目的煙火,整個心情就舒爽起來,真是療癒啊! -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/samsung-s6-explodes-fire-flames-12386162"]http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/samsung-s6-explodes-fire-flames-12386162[/url] [b]Mobile phone burst into flames 'sending sparks flying like fireworks’ next to six-month-old baby[/b] 14:35, 30 DEC 2016| Updated16:59, 30 DEC 2016 A mobile phone burst into flames sending sparks flying like ‘fireworks’ just centimetres away from a baby, says the child’s mother. Mum-of-two Victoria Seed says she was shocked when she heard the bang and saw sparks flying from the Samsung Galaxy S6 was charging at the side of a bed. She says its flames made scorch marks in the youngster’s cot. There have been reports of some Samsung phones exploding but the electrical manufacturer has said in the past there were no known faults with the S6 devices. Victoria, 39, of Whitefield , said she got up on Christmas Eve and while she was in the hallway heard a bang. She said: “It wasn’t really loud, but it was enough to make me go straight back into the bedroom to see what it was. “There was a flame coming from the phone and sparks flying everywhere. They looked like fireworks.” Her son Ned had already been taken out of the cot, which was near the bedside table where the phone was being charged, and was laying on the bed. Victoria added: “I grabbed the baby and ran outside and my husband Tim unplugged the phone. “I rushed into the bathroom to make sure Ned was okay. He was around 20cm from where the phone was.” Photographs show the blackened cot and Victoria says there was also a burn mark on the cabinet. Victoria, who trains safeguarding for children for the NHS, added: “It was terrible. If I had been five more minutes I might not have heard it because I was about to get in the shower. It’s really worrying. I dread to think what could have happened.” She contacted Samsung, who she said told her they would send out a replacement phone. A week later she still hasn’t received it. A Samsung spokesperson said: "There are no known issues with the Galaxy S6. "Samsung stands behind the quality and safety of the millions of Galaxy S6 family phones in the market. Until Samsung is able to obtain and examine any device, it is impossible to determine the true cause of any incident. "Since being made aware of this case, Samsung has been attempting to contact the customer in order to organise collection of this device and investigate the cause of this incident. "Samsung has now been able to speak to the customer and is working directly with Ms Seed to confirm next steps. "Customer safety remains our highest priority and we work with any customer who has experienced an issue with a Samsung product in order to investigate the matter.” -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- 2017/01/06更新 [url="http://uknip.co.uk/2017/01/fire-crews-chilling-warning-exploding-phone-charger-gosport/"]http://uknip.co.uk/2017/01/fire-crews-chilling-warning-exploding-phone-charger-gosport/[/url] [b]Fire Crews chilling warning after exploding phone Charger in Gosport[/b] Published on Thursday, January 5th, 2017 at 12:34 am. A chilling warning has been issued about the dangers of leaving a phone charger plugged when not in uses. Watch Manager Rob Dellow from Hampshire Fire and Rescue service has spoken of the danger after two crews from Gosport were called to a property with a smell of burning and blown electrics this evening. Fire Crews raced around to the property in Thomas Grant Avenue in Gosport after the woman raised the alarmed just before 9pm on Wednesday evening. firefighters searched the property and found the remains of the overheated [b]Samsung charger [/b]that could have left the property gutted. --

2017/01/22 19:17:38

發文IP 242.34.*.*

跨年的慶祝活動當然是要看煙火。 看著耀眼奪目的煙火,整個心情就舒爽起來,真是療癒啊! -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/samsung-s6-explodes-fire-flames-12386162"]http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/samsung-s6-explodes-fire-flames-12386162[/url] [b]Mobile phone burst into flames 'sending sparks flying like fireworks’ next to six-month-old baby[/b] 14:35, 30 DEC 2016| Updated16:59, 30 DEC 2016 A mobile phone burst into flames sending sparks flying like ‘fireworks’ just centimetres away from a baby, says the child’s mother. Mum-of-two Victoria Seed says she was shocked when she heard the bang and saw sparks flying from the Samsung Galaxy S6 was charging at the side of a bed. She says its flames made scorch marks in the youngster’s cot. There have been reports of some Samsung phones exploding but the electrical manufacturer has said in the past there were no known faults with the S6 devices. Victoria, 39, of Whitefield , said she got up on Christmas Eve and while she was in the hallway heard a bang. She said: “It wasn’t really loud, but it was enough to make me go straight back into the bedroom to see what it was. “There was a flame coming from the phone and sparks flying everywhere. They looked like fireworks.” Her son Ned had already been taken out of the cot, which was near the bedside table where the phone was being charged, and was laying on the bed. Victoria added: “I grabbed the baby and ran outside and my husband Tim unplugged the phone. “I rushed into the bathroom to make sure Ned was okay. He was around 20cm from where the phone was.” Photographs show the blackened cot and Victoria says there was also a burn mark on the cabinet. Victoria, who trains safeguarding for children for the NHS, added: “It was terrible. If I had been five more minutes I might not have heard it because I was about to get in the shower. It’s really worrying. I dread to think what could have happened.” She contacted Samsung, who she said told her they would send out a replacement phone. A week later she still hasn’t received it. A Samsung spokesperson said: "There are no known issues with the Galaxy S6. "Samsung stands behind the quality and safety of the millions of Galaxy S6 family phones in the market. Until Samsung is able to obtain and examine any device, it is impossible to determine the true cause of any incident. "Since being made aware of this case, Samsung has been attempting to contact the customer in order to organise collection of this device and investigate the cause of this incident. "Samsung has now been able to speak to the customer and is working directly with Ms Seed to confirm next steps. "Customer safety remains our highest priority and we work with any customer who has experienced an issue with a Samsung product in order to investigate the matter.” -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- 2017/01/06更新 [url="http://uknip.co.uk/2017/01/fire-crews-chilling-warning-exploding-phone-charger-gosport/"]http://uknip.co.uk/2017/01/fire-crews-chilling-warning-exploding-phone-charger-gosport/[/url] [b]Fire Crews chilling warning after exploding phone Charger in Gosport[/b] Published on Thursday, January 5th, 2017 at 12:34 am. A chilling warning has been issued about the dangers of leaving a phone charger plugged when not in uses. Watch Manager Rob Dellow from Hampshire Fire and Rescue service has spoken of the danger after two crews from Gosport were called to a property with a smell of burning and blown electrics this evening. Fire Crews raced around to the property in Thomas Grant Avenue in Gosport after the woman raised the alarmed just before 9pm on Wednesday evening. firefighters searched the property and found the remains of the overheated [b]Samsung charger [/b]that could have left the property gutted. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- 2017/01/22更新 [url="http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/samsung-s5-exploding-1.3940902"]http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/samsung-s5-exploding-1.3940902[/url] [b]Sleeping man wakened by heat and flames from Samsung S5 phone[/b] By Alexandra Sienkiewicz, CBC News Posted: Jan 18, 2017 12:58 PM ET| Last Updated: Jan 18, 2017 5:00 PM ET A Toronto man says he woke up to "massive flames shooting out the sides" of his Samsung S5 phone on Tuesday morning. Mario Jakab went to bed around midnight on Tuesday, and woke up from the heat and firework-like sounds coming from his bedside table. samsung-s5-exploding Jakab says his Samsung Galaxy S5 caught fire on Tuesday night while charging and started shooting 'massive flames' out the side. (CBC) "I jumped out of bed, alerted my girlfriend because I wasn't sure if anything was going to catch fire," said Jakab. "I waited for the fire to go out, because I'm not touching a flame." In a statement to CBC Toronto, a spokesperson for Samsung said customer safety was their highest priority. "Upon being made aware of the reported incident we began working with Mr. Jakab to investigate the matter. Until we have had an opportunity to analyze the phone we are unable to comment on the matter further." Samsung has recalled batteries on the Galaxy Note 7 models, after the devices started catching fire. The S5 model is not included in the recall. This appears to be one of the first reports of an S5 catching fire, though a lawsuit filed in the U.S. alleges the problem extends to several other smartphones. Jakab said a Samsung engineer picked up his device on Wednesday morning. When asked if he had modified the phone, he told them the battery and charging cable were all originals that came with the phone he bought in 2014. "I couldn't pick up my phone or take a video of what it was doing, or even call 911," he says. Jakab doesn't want to think what might have happened if he didn't wake up, or if the phone was in his pocket. He wants people to learn from what happened to him and protect themselves, but said he would likely not change his own habits when it comes to charging his phone at night. He also worries about children playing with Samsung phones. "Just a battery heating up can burn a young child's hands, just from holding it," he said. "Apparently they're not toys, like we thought they were." -- [url="http://www.1011now.com/content/news/Samsung-phone-starts-on-fire-burns-Nebraska-couples-bed-411355645.html"]http://www.1011now.com/content/news/Samsung-phone-starts-on-fire-burns-Nebraska-couples-bed-411355645.html[/url] [b]Samsung phone starts on fire, burns Nebraska couple's bed[/b] By WOWT | Posted: Fri 2:49 PM, Jan 20, 2017 OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) -- An Omaha woman wakes up to smoke and flames on her bed and she thinks her phone is the culprit. “I woke up to, it's like a screaming noise,” said Tiffany Wolf. It wasn't any person's screams. "Just saw smoke pouring out of the phone," said Tiffany. "All I could think of was just running out and toss it because it was on fire." The phone apparently burned through their sheets and mattress and left small burns on her hand. "I was terrified,” she said. Reports world-wide of Samsung Galaxy S-7 Notes having similar issues have led to them being banned on American flights. But there have not been as many reports of the S6 being an issue. "You read it online. You never imagine it'll happen to you,” said Patrick Wolf. A year ago Tiffany's Samsung phone stopped working. They sent it into an insurance company and got a new one. "It blew up. It's not something we did,” said Tiffany. So they filed a complaint with Samsung. They say they haven't had much luck. "They said once they have the phone then the claim can move forward,” said Patrick. But as Patrick and Tiffany Wolf consider legal options for the damage to their home giving up the phone puts them in a tight spot. "I have no evidence of this anymore,” he said. They say Tiffany's phone is technically still on a lease so she's still paying for the burned phone. When they went to Sprint they say they were told they could get a replacement phone for a $200 deductible. "I don't really care for another time bomb in my house,” said Patrick. Meanwhile they're left with a reminder of the mini explosion every day. "It's just that plastic burning smell that you cannot get rid of," said Patrick. "It's so bad,” said Tiffany. Patrick had been trying to get Tiffany to like Samsung phones as much as originally did, but that plan, “literally backfired.” "Blew up in her face. No pun intended,” said Patrick. "I've had Samsungs since the first Galaxy came out and I think this will be my last definitely.” --

2017/02/07 01:48:39

發文IP 242.34.*.*

跨年的慶祝活動當然是要看煙火。 看著耀眼奪目的煙火,整個心情就舒爽起來,真是療癒啊! -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/samsung-s6-explodes-fire-flames-12386162"]http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/samsung-s6-explodes-fire-flames-12386162[/url] [b]Mobile phone burst into flames 'sending sparks flying like fireworks’ next to six-month-old baby[/b] 14:35, 30 DEC 2016| Updated16:59, 30 DEC 2016 A mobile phone burst into flames sending sparks flying like ‘fireworks’ just centimetres away from a baby, says the child’s mother. Mum-of-two Victoria Seed says she was shocked when she heard the bang and saw sparks flying from the Samsung Galaxy S6 was charging at the side of a bed. She says its flames made scorch marks in the youngster’s cot. There have been reports of some Samsung phones exploding but the electrical manufacturer has said in the past there were no known faults with the S6 devices. Victoria, 39, of Whitefield , said she got up on Christmas Eve and while she was in the hallway heard a bang. She said: “It wasn’t really loud, but it was enough to make me go straight back into the bedroom to see what it was. “There was a flame coming from the phone and sparks flying everywhere. They looked like fireworks.” Her son Ned had already been taken out of the cot, which was near the bedside table where the phone was being charged, and was laying on the bed. Victoria added: “I grabbed the baby and ran outside and my husband Tim unplugged the phone. “I rushed into the bathroom to make sure Ned was okay. He was around 20cm from where the phone was.” Photographs show the blackened cot and Victoria says there was also a burn mark on the cabinet. Victoria, who trains safeguarding for children for the NHS, added: “It was terrible. If I had been five more minutes I might not have heard it because I was about to get in the shower. It’s really worrying. I dread to think what could have happened.” She contacted Samsung, who she said told her they would send out a replacement phone. A week later she still hasn’t received it. A Samsung spokesperson said: "There are no known issues with the Galaxy S6. "Samsung stands behind the quality and safety of the millions of Galaxy S6 family phones in the market. Until Samsung is able to obtain and examine any device, it is impossible to determine the true cause of any incident. "Since being made aware of this case, Samsung has been attempting to contact the customer in order to organise collection of this device and investigate the cause of this incident. "Samsung has now been able to speak to the customer and is working directly with Ms Seed to confirm next steps. "Customer safety remains our highest priority and we work with any customer who has experienced an issue with a Samsung product in order to investigate the matter.” -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- 2017/01/06更新 [url="http://uknip.co.uk/2017/01/fire-crews-chilling-warning-exploding-phone-charger-gosport/"]http://uknip.co.uk/2017/01/fire-crews-chilling-warning-exploding-phone-charger-gosport/[/url] [b]Fire Crews chilling warning after exploding phone Charger in Gosport[/b] Published on Thursday, January 5th, 2017 at 12:34 am. A chilling warning has been issued about the dangers of leaving a phone charger plugged when not in uses. Watch Manager Rob Dellow from Hampshire Fire and Rescue service has spoken of the danger after two crews from Gosport were called to a property with a smell of burning and blown electrics this evening. Fire Crews raced around to the property in Thomas Grant Avenue in Gosport after the woman raised the alarmed just before 9pm on Wednesday evening. firefighters searched the property and found the remains of the overheated [b]Samsung charger [/b]that could have left the property gutted. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- 2017/01/22更新 [url="http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/samsung-s5-exploding-1.3940902"]http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/samsung-s5-exploding-1.3940902[/url] [b]Sleeping man wakened by heat and flames from Samsung S5 phone[/b] By Alexandra Sienkiewicz, CBC News Posted: Jan 18, 2017 12:58 PM ET| Last Updated: Jan 18, 2017 5:00 PM ET A Toronto man says he woke up to "massive flames shooting out the sides" of his Samsung S5 phone on Tuesday morning. Mario Jakab went to bed around midnight on Tuesday, and woke up from the heat and firework-like sounds coming from his bedside table. samsung-s5-exploding Jakab says his Samsung Galaxy S5 caught fire on Tuesday night while charging and started shooting 'massive flames' out the side. (CBC) "I jumped out of bed, alerted my girlfriend because I wasn't sure if anything was going to catch fire," said Jakab. "I waited for the fire to go out, because I'm not touching a flame." In a statement to CBC Toronto, a spokesperson for Samsung said customer safety was their highest priority. "Upon being made aware of the reported incident we began working with Mr. Jakab to investigate the matter. Until we have had an opportunity to analyze the phone we are unable to comment on the matter further." Samsung has recalled batteries on the Galaxy Note 7 models, after the devices started catching fire. The S5 model is not included in the recall. This appears to be one of the first reports of an S5 catching fire, though a lawsuit filed in the U.S. alleges the problem extends to several other smartphones. Jakab said a Samsung engineer picked up his device on Wednesday morning. When asked if he had modified the phone, he told them the battery and charging cable were all originals that came with the phone he bought in 2014. "I couldn't pick up my phone or take a video of what it was doing, or even call 911," he says. Jakab doesn't want to think what might have happened if he didn't wake up, or if the phone was in his pocket. He wants people to learn from what happened to him and protect themselves, but said he would likely not change his own habits when it comes to charging his phone at night. He also worries about children playing with Samsung phones. "Just a battery heating up can burn a young child's hands, just from holding it," he said. "Apparently they're not toys, like we thought they were." -- [url="http://www.1011now.com/content/news/Samsung-phone-starts-on-fire-burns-Nebraska-couples-bed-411355645.html"]http://www.1011now.com/content/news/Samsung-phone-starts-on-fire-burns-Nebraska-couples-bed-411355645.html[/url] [b]Samsung phone starts on fire, burns Nebraska couple's bed[/b] By WOWT | Posted: Fri 2:49 PM, Jan 20, 2017 OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) -- An Omaha woman wakes up to smoke and flames on her bed and she thinks her phone is the culprit. “I woke up to, it's like a screaming noise,” said Tiffany Wolf. It wasn't any person's screams. "Just saw smoke pouring out of the phone," said Tiffany. "All I could think of was just running out and toss it because it was on fire." The phone apparently burned through their sheets and mattress and left small burns on her hand. "I was terrified,” she said. Reports world-wide of Samsung Galaxy S-7 Notes having similar issues have led to them being banned on American flights. But there have not been as many reports of the S6 being an issue. "You read it online. You never imagine it'll happen to you,” said Patrick Wolf. A year ago Tiffany's Samsung phone stopped working. They sent it into an insurance company and got a new one. "It blew up. It's not something we did,” said Tiffany. So they filed a complaint with Samsung. They say they haven't had much luck. "They said once they have the phone then the claim can move forward,” said Patrick. But as Patrick and Tiffany Wolf consider legal options for the damage to their home giving up the phone puts them in a tight spot. "I have no evidence of this anymore,” he said. They say Tiffany's phone is technically still on a lease so she's still paying for the burned phone. When they went to Sprint they say they were told they could get a replacement phone for a $200 deductible. "I don't really care for another time bomb in my house,” said Patrick. Meanwhile they're left with a reminder of the mini explosion every day. "It's just that plastic burning smell that you cannot get rid of," said Patrick. "It's so bad,” said Tiffany. Patrick had been trying to get Tiffany to like Samsung phones as much as originally did, but that plan, “literally backfired.” "Blew up in her face. No pun intended,” said Patrick. "I've had Samsungs since the first Galaxy came out and I think this will be my last definitely.” -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- 2017/02/07更新 [url="http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/dads-terror-after-samsung-smartphone-9760491"]http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/dads-terror-after-samsung-smartphone-9760491[/url] Dad's terror after Samsung smartphone EXPLODES inches from his face while asleep Ex-police officer David Millar was shocked when he woke up to a fire caused by the charging phone. ByCraig McDonald,Scarlet Howes,10:30, 5 FEB 2017/ Updated11:10, 5 FEB 2017 A dad has told how he woke up in terror after his Samsung smartphone exploded at his bedside before bursting into flames. David Millar, his partner Samantha and his 13-year-old twin boys were asleep when the handset blew up. The fire woke the ex-police officer who grabbed the device and threw it in his bathroom sink. Samsung last year announced a worldwide recall of their Galaxy Note 7 smartphones, which were found to be overheating. But David’s incident involved an earlier S6 model. --


Mobile phone burst into flames 'sending sparks flying like fireworks’ next to six-month-old baby
14:35, 30 DEC 2016| Updated16:59, 30 DEC 2016

A mobile phone burst into flames sending sparks flying like ‘fireworks’ just centimetres away from a baby, says the child’s mother.

Mum-of-two Victoria Seed says she was shocked when she heard the bang and saw sparks flying from the Samsung Galaxy S6 was charging at the side of a bed.

She says its flames made scorch marks in the youngster’s cot.

There have been reports of some Samsung phones exploding but the electrical manufacturer has said in the past there were no known faults with the S6 devices.

Victoria, 39, of Whitefield , said she got up on Christmas Eve and while she was in the hallway heard a bang.

She said: “It wasn’t really loud, but it was enough to make me go straight back into the bedroom to see what it was.

“There was a flame coming from the phone and sparks flying everywhere. They looked like fireworks.”

Her son Ned had already been taken out of the cot, which was near the bedside table where the phone was being charged, and was laying on the bed.

Victoria added: “I grabbed the baby and ran outside and my husband Tim unplugged the phone.

“I rushed into the bathroom to make sure Ned was okay. He was around 20cm from where the phone was.”

Photographs show the blackened cot and Victoria says there was also a burn mark on the cabinet.

Victoria, who trains safeguarding for children for the NHS, added: “It was terrible. If I had been five more minutes I might not have heard it because I was about to get in the shower. It’s really worrying. I dread to think what could have happened.”

She contacted Samsung, who she said told her they would send out a replacement phone. A week later she still hasn’t received it.

A Samsung spokesperson said: "There are no known issues with the Galaxy S6.

"Samsung stands behind the quality and safety of the millions of Galaxy S6 family phones in the market. Until Samsung is able to obtain and examine any device, it is impossible to determine the true cause of any incident.

"Since being made aware of this case, Samsung has been attempting to contact the customer in order to organise collection of this device and investigate the cause of this incident.

"Samsung has now been able to speak to the customer and is working directly with Ms Seed to confirm next steps.

"Customer safety remains our highest priority and we work with any customer who has experienced an issue with a Samsung product in order to investigate the matter.”


Fire Crews chilling warning after exploding phone Charger in Gosport
Published on Thursday, January 5th, 2017 at 12:34 am.

A chilling warning has been issued about the dangers of leaving a phone charger plugged when not in uses.
Watch Manager Rob Dellow from Hampshire Fire and Rescue service has spoken of the danger after two crews from Gosport were called to a property with a smell of burning and blown electrics this evening.

Fire Crews raced around to the property in Thomas Grant Avenue in Gosport after the woman raised the alarmed just before 9pm on Wednesday evening.
firefighters searched the property and found the remains of the overheated Samsung charger that could have left the property gutted.
Sleeping man wakened by heat and flames from Samsung S5 phone
By Alexandra Sienkiewicz, CBC News Posted: Jan 18, 2017 12:58 PM ET| Last Updated: Jan 18, 2017 5:00 PM ET

A Toronto man says he woke up to "massive flames shooting out the sides" of his Samsung S5 phone on Tuesday morning.

Mario Jakab went to bed around midnight on Tuesday, and woke up from the heat and firework-like sounds coming from his bedside table.

Jakab says his Samsung Galaxy S5 caught fire on Tuesday night while charging and started shooting 'massive flames' out the side. (CBC)

"I jumped out of bed, alerted my girlfriend because I wasn't sure if anything was going to catch fire," said Jakab. "I waited for the fire to go out, because I'm not touching a flame."

In a statement to CBC Toronto, a spokesperson for Samsung said customer safety was their highest priority.

"Upon being made aware of the reported incident we began working with Mr. Jakab to investigate the matter. Until we have had an opportunity to analyze the phone we are unable to comment on the matter further."

Samsung has recalled batteries on the Galaxy Note 7 models, after the devices started catching fire. The S5 model is not included in the recall. This appears to be one of the first reports of an S5 catching fire, though a lawsuit filed in the U.S. alleges the problem extends to several other smartphones.

Jakab said a Samsung engineer picked up his device on Wednesday morning. When asked if he had modified the phone, he told them the battery and charging cable were all originals that came with the phone he bought in 2014.

"I couldn't pick up my phone or take a video of what it was doing, or even call 911," he says.

Jakab doesn't want to think what might have happened if he didn't wake up, or if the phone was in his pocket.

He wants people to learn from what happened to him and protect themselves, but said he would likely not change his own habits when it comes to charging his phone at night.

He also worries about children playing with Samsung phones.

"Just a battery heating up can burn a young child's hands, just from holding it," he said. "Apparently they're not toys, like we thought they were."

Samsung phone starts on fire, burns Nebraska couple's bed
By WOWT | Posted: Fri 2:49 PM, Jan 20, 2017

OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) -- An Omaha woman wakes up to smoke and flames on her bed and she thinks her phone is the culprit.

“I woke up to, it's like a screaming noise,” said Tiffany Wolf.

It wasn't any person's screams.

"Just saw smoke pouring out of the phone," said Tiffany. "All I could think of was just running out and toss it because it was on fire."

The phone apparently burned through their sheets and mattress and left small burns on her hand.

"I was terrified,” she said.

Reports world-wide of Samsung Galaxy S-7 Notes having similar issues have led to them being banned on American flights. But there have not been as many reports of the S6 being an issue.

"You read it online. You never imagine it'll happen to you,” said Patrick Wolf.

A year ago Tiffany's Samsung phone stopped working. They sent it into an insurance company and got a new one.

"It blew up. It's not something we did,” said Tiffany.

So they filed a complaint with Samsung. They say they haven't had much luck.

"They said once they have the phone then the claim can move forward,” said Patrick.

But as Patrick and Tiffany Wolf consider legal options for the damage to their home giving up the phone puts them in a tight spot.

"I have no evidence of this anymore,” he said.

They say Tiffany's phone is technically still on a lease so she's still paying for the burned phone. When they went to Sprint they say they were told they could get a replacement phone for a $200 deductible.

"I don't really care for another time bomb in my house,” said Patrick.

Meanwhile they're left with a reminder of the mini explosion every day.

"It's just that plastic burning smell that you cannot get rid of," said Patrick.

"It's so bad,” said Tiffany.

Patrick had been trying to get Tiffany to like Samsung phones as much as originally did, but that plan, “literally backfired.”

"Blew up in her face. No pun intended,” said Patrick. "I've had Samsungs since the first Galaxy came out and I think this will be my last definitely.”
Dad's terror after Samsung smartphone EXPLODES inches from his face while asleep
Ex-police officer David Millar was shocked when he woke up to a fire caused by the charging phone.

ByCraig McDonald,Scarlet Howes,10:30, 5 FEB 2017/ Updated11:10, 5 FEB 2017

A dad has told how he woke up in terror after his Samsung smartphone exploded at his bedside before bursting into flames.
David Millar, his partner Samantha and his 13-year-old twin boys were asleep when the handset blew up.

The fire woke the ex-police officer who grabbed the device and threw it in his bathroom sink.
Samsung last year announced a worldwide recall of their Galaxy Note 7 smartphones, which were found to be overheating. But David’s incident involved an earlier S6 model.
前往討論:[轉貼] 不只Note7 美男子用S7 edge自燃導致三度燒傷 !


2016/12/28 00:10:34


#5979154 IP 242.34.*.* 修改過3 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2016/12/28 00:10:34

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快過年了,來點煙火熱鬧慶祝一下... -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.godanriver.com/news/pittsylvania_county/fire-chief-tablet-charging-on-bed-starts-fire/article_c93e395a-cba6-11e6-9f16-1314fbbfbc53.html"]http://www.godanriver.com/news/pittsylvania_county/fire-chief-tablet-charging-on-bed-starts-fire/article_c93e395a-cba6-11e6-9f16-1314fbbfbc53.html[/url] [b]Fire chief: Tablet charging on bed starts fire[/b] 19 hrs ago A fire in Ringgold on Christmas night left a family of seven with damaged furniture and smoke damage through their home. The fire was in a front bedroom, where a mattress, bedding and some clothing were burned. Firefighters from Ringgold and Kentuck volunteer fire departments responded to the 7 p.m. Sunday call at 6685 Rock Springs Road. “Apparently the children got Samsung tablets for Christmas,” Ringgold Fire Chief Mike Neal said. “They were charging one in a front bedroom and left it laying on the bed. Apparently that’s where the fire started — the tablet had melted and was just a big glob of plastic glued to the bed.” Neal said the occupants did use a garden hose and were able to get most of the fire dealt with before firefighters arrived. “The first on scene helped toss the mattress and some clothing out in the yard,” Neal said. Fire alarms worked throughout the house, Neal said, alerting the adults, who called for help. “They were lucky they were home and quick-acting with the garden hose,” Neal said. Neal said the family was able to stay home after the smoke cleared. The adult male was treated for smoke inhalation at the scene, but did not have to be taken to a hospital. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.itv.com/news/central/2016-12-27/father-finds-sons-bed-on-fire-due-to-phone-charger/"]http://www.itv.com/news/central/2016-12-27/father-finds-sons-bed-on-fire-due-to-phone-charger/[/url] [b]Father finds son's bed 'set on fire' by phone charger[/b] 27 December 2016 at 11:20am A father from Birmingham says a fire alarm saved his life after his mobile phone reportedly set fire to his son’s bed while it was charging. Sean Hughes returned from working a night shift at Jaguar Land Rover in Castle Bromwich and placed his Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge phone on his son's bed to charge. He went to bed in his own room at 6.45am – but at 9am he was awoken by the smoke alarm. When he went into his son’s room, he says he found the phone charger on fire and the bed smouldering. Burn marks can be seen on the bed linen after the incident. 34-year-old Sean from Severne Road in Acocks Green, says he has since contacted Samsung, and says they told him the phone was not to blame and that it must have been an ‘outside heat source’.  If it hadn’t been for my smoke alarm, I dread to think what may have happened. When I woke up, I really panicked. I could smell what I can only describe as burning wire, and smoke coming from my son’s bedroom. My son had gone out at the time with my wife. There was smoke coming from the charger and the bed was smouldering. I threw the charger out of the window. I want people to know that chargers can be dangerous if left unattended. – Sean Hughes Two months ago, the firm suspended all production of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, halted sales worldwide and told customers to stop using the device. It is currently preparing to bring out the hotly anticipated Samsung Galaxy S8 in 2017. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://eaglecountryonline.com/local-article/fire-dept-tablet-battery-sparked-apartment-fire/"]http://eaglecountryonline.com/local-article/fire-dept-tablet-battery-sparked-apartment-fire/[/url] [b]Fire Dept: Tablet Battery Sparked Apartment Fire[/b] Posted On December 27, 2016 (Vevay, Ind.) – A faulty tablet battery may have started a fire in a Vevay apartment Tuesday morning. Jeff-Craig Fire Department posted photos of the fire and its possible source on the fire department’s Facebook page. “Cause of the fire appeared to be a Samsung Tablet. The battery compartment showed evidence of a rupture. Check your electronics for possible recalls due to fire hazard,” the post read. The damage done in the apartment was minimal and nobody was injured. The local Red Cross is assisting the family of five that lives in the apartment.

2016/12/28 00:16:16

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快過年了,來幾發煙火吧... -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.godanriver.com/news/pittsylvania_county/fire-chief-tablet-charging-on-bed-starts-fire/article_c93e395a-cba6-11e6-9f16-1314fbbfbc53.html"]http://www.godanriver.com/news/pittsylvania_county/fire-chief-tablet-charging-on-bed-starts-fire/article_c93e395a-cba6-11e6-9f16-1314fbbfbc53.html[/url] [b]Fire chief: Tablet charging on bed starts fire[/b] 19 hrs ago A fire in Ringgold on Christmas night left a family of seven with damaged furniture and smoke damage through their home. The fire was in a front bedroom, where a mattress, bedding and some clothing were burned. Firefighters from Ringgold and Kentuck volunteer fire departments responded to the 7 p.m. Sunday call at 6685 Rock Springs Road. “Apparently the children got Samsung tablets for Christmas,” Ringgold Fire Chief Mike Neal said. “They were charging one in a front bedroom and left it laying on the bed. Apparently that’s where the fire started — the tablet had melted and was just a big glob of plastic glued to the bed.” Neal said the occupants did use a garden hose and were able to get most of the fire dealt with before firefighters arrived. “The first on scene helped toss the mattress and some clothing out in the yard,” Neal said. Fire alarms worked throughout the house, Neal said, alerting the adults, who called for help. “They were lucky they were home and quick-acting with the garden hose,” Neal said. Neal said the family was able to stay home after the smoke cleared. The adult male was treated for smoke inhalation at the scene, but did not have to be taken to a hospital. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.itv.com/news/central/2016-12-27/father-finds-sons-bed-on-fire-due-to-phone-charger/"]http://www.itv.com/news/central/2016-12-27/father-finds-sons-bed-on-fire-due-to-phone-charger/[/url] [b]Father finds son's bed 'set on fire' by phone charger[/b] 27 December 2016 at 11:20am A father from Birmingham says a fire alarm saved his life after his mobile phone reportedly set fire to his son’s bed while it was charging. Sean Hughes returned from working a night shift at Jaguar Land Rover in Castle Bromwich and placed his Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge phone on his son's bed to charge. He went to bed in his own room at 6.45am – but at 9am he was awoken by the smoke alarm. When he went into his son’s room, he says he found the phone charger on fire and the bed smouldering. Burn marks can be seen on the bed linen after the incident. 34-year-old Sean from Severne Road in Acocks Green, says he has since contacted Samsung, and says they told him the phone was not to blame and that it must have been an ‘outside heat source’.  If it hadn’t been for my smoke alarm, I dread to think what may have happened. When I woke up, I really panicked. I could smell what I can only describe as burning wire, and smoke coming from my son’s bedroom. My son had gone out at the time with my wife. There was smoke coming from the charger and the bed was smouldering. I threw the charger out of the window. I want people to know that chargers can be dangerous if left unattended. – Sean Hughes Two months ago, the firm suspended all production of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, halted sales worldwide and told customers to stop using the device. It is currently preparing to bring out the hotly anticipated Samsung Galaxy S8 in 2017. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://eaglecountryonline.com/local-article/fire-dept-tablet-battery-sparked-apartment-fire/"]http://eaglecountryonline.com/local-article/fire-dept-tablet-battery-sparked-apartment-fire/[/url] [b]Fire Dept: Tablet Battery Sparked Apartment Fire[/b] Posted On December 27, 2016 (Vevay, Ind.) – A faulty tablet battery may have started a fire in a Vevay apartment Tuesday morning. Jeff-Craig Fire Department posted photos of the fire and its possible source on the fire department’s Facebook page. “Cause of the fire appeared to be a Samsung Tablet. The battery compartment showed evidence of a rupture. Check your electronics for possible recalls due to fire hazard,” the post read. The damage done in the apartment was minimal and nobody was injured. The local Red Cross is assisting the family of five that lives in the apartment.

2016/12/30 00:12:25

發文IP 242.34.*.*

過年的慶祝活動莫過於施放煙火了。現在快過年了,就來幾發煙火吧... -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.godanriver.com/news/pittsylvania_county/fire-chief-tablet-charging-on-bed-starts-fire/article_c93e395a-cba6-11e6-9f16-1314fbbfbc53.html"]http://www.godanriver.com/news/pittsylvania_county/fire-chief-tablet-charging-on-bed-starts-fire/article_c93e395a-cba6-11e6-9f16-1314fbbfbc53.html[/url] [b]Fire chief: Tablet charging on bed starts fire[/b] 19 hrs ago A fire in Ringgold on Christmas night left a family of seven with damaged furniture and smoke damage through their home. The fire was in a front bedroom, where a mattress, bedding and some clothing were burned. Firefighters from Ringgold and Kentuck volunteer fire departments responded to the 7 p.m. Sunday call at 6685 Rock Springs Road. “Apparently the children got Samsung tablets for Christmas,” Ringgold Fire Chief Mike Neal said. “They were charging one in a front bedroom and left it laying on the bed. Apparently that’s where the fire started — the tablet had melted and was just a big glob of plastic glued to the bed.” Neal said the occupants did use a garden hose and were able to get most of the fire dealt with before firefighters arrived. “The first on scene helped toss the mattress and some clothing out in the yard,” Neal said. Fire alarms worked throughout the house, Neal said, alerting the adults, who called for help. “They were lucky they were home and quick-acting with the garden hose,” Neal said. Neal said the family was able to stay home after the smoke cleared. The adult male was treated for smoke inhalation at the scene, but did not have to be taken to a hospital. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.itv.com/news/central/2016-12-27/father-finds-sons-bed-on-fire-due-to-phone-charger/"]http://www.itv.com/news/central/2016-12-27/father-finds-sons-bed-on-fire-due-to-phone-charger/[/url] [b]Father finds son's bed 'set on fire' by phone charger[/b] 27 December 2016 at 11:20am A father from Birmingham says a fire alarm saved his life after his mobile phone reportedly set fire to his son’s bed while it was charging. Sean Hughes returned from working a night shift at Jaguar Land Rover in Castle Bromwich and placed his Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge phone on his son's bed to charge. He went to bed in his own room at 6.45am – but at 9am he was awoken by the smoke alarm. When he went into his son’s room, he says he found the phone charger on fire and the bed smouldering. Burn marks can be seen on the bed linen after the incident. 34-year-old Sean from Severne Road in Acocks Green, says he has since contacted Samsung, and says they told him the phone was not to blame and that it must have been an ‘outside heat source’.  If it hadn’t been for my smoke alarm, I dread to think what may have happened. When I woke up, I really panicked. I could smell what I can only describe as burning wire, and smoke coming from my son’s bedroom. My son had gone out at the time with my wife. There was smoke coming from the charger and the bed was smouldering. I threw the charger out of the window. I want people to know that chargers can be dangerous if left unattended. – Sean Hughes Two months ago, the firm suspended all production of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, halted sales worldwide and told customers to stop using the device. It is currently preparing to bring out the hotly anticipated Samsung Galaxy S8 in 2017. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://eaglecountryonline.com/local-article/fire-dept-tablet-battery-sparked-apartment-fire/"]http://eaglecountryonline.com/local-article/fire-dept-tablet-battery-sparked-apartment-fire/[/url] [b]Fire Dept: Tablet Battery Sparked Apartment Fire[/b] Posted On December 27, 2016 (Vevay, Ind.) – A faulty tablet battery may have started a fire in a Vevay apartment Tuesday morning. Jeff-Craig Fire Department posted photos of the fire and its possible source on the fire department’s Facebook page. “Cause of the fire appeared to be a Samsung Tablet. The battery compartment showed evidence of a rupture. Check your electronics for possible recalls due to fire hazard,” the post read. The damage done in the apartment was minimal and nobody was injured. The local Red Cross is assisting the family of five that lives in the apartment. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- 2016/12/30更新 [url="http://www.ibtimes.co.in/first-case-samsung-galaxy-smartphone-burst-india-now-"]http://www.ibtimes.co.in/first-case-samsung-galaxy-smartphone-burst-india-now-[/url] [b]First case of Samsung Galaxy smartphone burst reported in India[/b] December 29, 2016 17:37 IST The year 2016 definitely wasn't a great one for Samsung with its Galaxy Note 7 catching fire randomly and even exploding in some parts of the world. Now, there is one more report of a Samsung Galaxy smartphone exploding and causing injuries - the difference is that the latest incident has been reported from Southern India. News channels in Karnataka were recently abuzz with reports about a Samsung Galaxy smartphone exploding, whilst it was in a man's trouser pocket. The explosion is said to have caused injuries to its owner, a resident of a village within Bagalkot Taluk limits. Details regarding the exact version number and variant of this Samsung Galaxy smartphone are yet to surface. Various reports state that the smartphone was charged up to 52%, when it suddenly burst and caused injuries on the thigh area of its owner, Siddappa Anagawadi, who is now said to be under treatment at the Bagalkot Taluk hospital. Siddappa, in a statement to Kannada news channels, said that he was sitting down when the smartphone burst without any warning. Siddappa is said to have purchased this smartphone in 2014 and he has not given the phone for any repairs till the time it exploded and even after that. It is not known whether he would lodge a complaint against Samsung. This incident is the first reported incident in India as far as Samsung smartphones going up in flames/exploding are concerned.

2017/01/01 16:34:57

發文IP 242.34.*.*

過年的慶祝活動莫過於施放煙火了。現在快過年了,就來幾發煙火吧... -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.godanriver.com/news/pittsylvania_county/fire-chief-tablet-charging-on-bed-starts-fire/article_c93e395a-cba6-11e6-9f16-1314fbbfbc53.html"]http://www.godanriver.com/news/pittsylvania_county/fire-chief-tablet-charging-on-bed-starts-fire/article_c93e395a-cba6-11e6-9f16-1314fbbfbc53.html[/url] [b]Fire chief: Tablet charging on bed starts fire[/b] 19 hrs ago A fire in Ringgold on Christmas night left a family of seven with damaged furniture and smoke damage through their home. The fire was in a front bedroom, where a mattress, bedding and some clothing were burned. Firefighters from Ringgold and Kentuck volunteer fire departments responded to the 7 p.m. Sunday call at 6685 Rock Springs Road. “Apparently the children got Samsung tablets for Christmas,” Ringgold Fire Chief Mike Neal said. “They were charging one in a front bedroom and left it laying on the bed. Apparently that’s where the fire started — the tablet had melted and was just a big glob of plastic glued to the bed.” Neal said the occupants did use a garden hose and were able to get most of the fire dealt with before firefighters arrived. “The first on scene helped toss the mattress and some clothing out in the yard,” Neal said. Fire alarms worked throughout the house, Neal said, alerting the adults, who called for help. “They were lucky they were home and quick-acting with the garden hose,” Neal said. Neal said the family was able to stay home after the smoke cleared. The adult male was treated for smoke inhalation at the scene, but did not have to be taken to a hospital. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.itv.com/news/central/2016-12-27/father-finds-sons-bed-on-fire-due-to-phone-charger/"]http://www.itv.com/news/central/2016-12-27/father-finds-sons-bed-on-fire-due-to-phone-charger/[/url] [b]Father finds son's bed 'set on fire' by phone charger[/b] 27 December 2016 at 11:20am A father from Birmingham says a fire alarm saved his life after his mobile phone reportedly set fire to his son’s bed while it was charging. Sean Hughes returned from working a night shift at Jaguar Land Rover in Castle Bromwich and placed his Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge phone on his son's bed to charge. He went to bed in his own room at 6.45am – but at 9am he was awoken by the smoke alarm. When he went into his son’s room, he says he found the phone charger on fire and the bed smouldering. Burn marks can be seen on the bed linen after the incident. 34-year-old Sean from Severne Road in Acocks Green, says he has since contacted Samsung, and says they told him the phone was not to blame and that it must have been an ‘outside heat source’.  If it hadn’t been for my smoke alarm, I dread to think what may have happened. When I woke up, I really panicked. I could smell what I can only describe as burning wire, and smoke coming from my son’s bedroom. My son had gone out at the time with my wife. There was smoke coming from the charger and the bed was smouldering. I threw the charger out of the window. I want people to know that chargers can be dangerous if left unattended. – Sean Hughes Two months ago, the firm suspended all production of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, halted sales worldwide and told customers to stop using the device. It is currently preparing to bring out the hotly anticipated Samsung Galaxy S8 in 2017. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://eaglecountryonline.com/local-article/fire-dept-tablet-battery-sparked-apartment-fire/"]http://eaglecountryonline.com/local-article/fire-dept-tablet-battery-sparked-apartment-fire/[/url] [b]Fire Dept: Tablet Battery Sparked Apartment Fire[/b] Posted On December 27, 2016 (Vevay, Ind.) – A faulty tablet battery may have started a fire in a Vevay apartment Tuesday morning. Jeff-Craig Fire Department posted photos of the fire and its possible source on the fire department’s Facebook page. “Cause of the fire appeared to be a Samsung Tablet. The battery compartment showed evidence of a rupture. Check your electronics for possible recalls due to fire hazard,” the post read. The damage done in the apartment was minimal and nobody was injured. The local Red Cross is assisting the family of five that lives in the apartment. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- 2016/12/30更新 [url="http://www.ibtimes.co.in/first-case-samsung-galaxy-smartphone-burst-india-now-"]http://www.ibtimes.co.in/first-case-samsung-galaxy-smartphone-burst-india-now-[/url] [b]First case of Samsung Galaxy smartphone burst reported in India[/b] December 29, 2016 17:37 IST The year 2016 definitely wasn't a great one for Samsung with its Galaxy Note 7 catching fire randomly and even exploding in some parts of the world. Now, there is one more report of a Samsung Galaxy smartphone exploding and causing injuries - the difference is that the latest incident has been reported from Southern India. News channels in Karnataka were recently abuzz with reports about a Samsung Galaxy smartphone exploding, whilst it was in a man's trouser pocket. The explosion is said to have caused injuries to its owner, a resident of a village within Bagalkot Taluk limits. Details regarding the exact version number and variant of this Samsung Galaxy smartphone are yet to surface. Various reports state that the smartphone was charged up to 52%, when it suddenly burst and caused injuries on the thigh area of its owner, Siddappa Anagawadi, who is now said to be under treatment at the Bagalkot Taluk hospital. Siddappa, in a statement to Kannada news channels, said that he was sitting down when the smartphone burst without any warning. Siddappa is said to have purchased this smartphone in 2014 and he has not given the phone for any repairs till the time it exploded and even after that. It is not known whether he would lodge a complaint against Samsung. This incident is the first reported incident in India as far as Samsung smartphones going up in flames/exploding are concerned. -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- 2017/01/01更新 [url="http://www.techworm.net/2016/12/first-15-year-old-boy-killed-smartphone-explosion.html"]http://www.techworm.net/2016/12/first-15-year-old-boy-killed-smartphone-explosion.html[/url] [b]In a first, 15-year-old boy killed in a smartphone explosion[/b] December 31, 2016 15-year-old dies after smartphone explodes while talking, Police check whether the smartphone was Samsung Galaxy Note 7. While there have been thousands of reports of Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 exploding none have caused fatalities though some have caused grievous injuries up to now. For probably the first time an exploding smartphone believed to be Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 took somebody’s life. A 15-year-old boy died in Tamil Nadu, India after his Samsung smartphone caught fire on Thursday, leaving him with severe burns. The police are enquiring whether the smartphone was Samsung Galaxy Note 7 which has long history of exploding in user’s hands and has been banned onboard planes almost all over the world. According to a Times of India report, the 15-year-old was on the terrace speaking to someone on the mobile, when it burst into flames. Even as he tried to throw the phone away, his clothes caught fire, leaving him with 40% to 50% burns. The boy who is originally from Bangalore had gone to his native place to celebrate the new year. The Samsung Galaxy Note explosion reports hit headlines after Samsung hurried through the launch to beat the upcoming Apple iPhone 7. Experts felt that Samsung in its efforts to get to market before Apple disregarded quality control and security checks before rolling out the Galaxy Note 7 to buyers. After a worldwide outcry, in September two weeks after the Note 7 launch, Samsung finally announced it was discontinuing Galaxy Note 7 smartphone sales and started issuing replacements to existing buyers. --


Fire chief: Tablet charging on bed starts fire
19 hrs ago

A fire in Ringgold on Christmas night left a family of seven with damaged furniture and smoke damage through their home.

The fire was in a front bedroom, where a mattress, bedding and some clothing were burned.

Firefighters from Ringgold and Kentuck volunteer fire departments responded to the 7 p.m. Sunday call at 6685 Rock Springs Road.

“Apparently the children got Samsung tablets for Christmas,” Ringgold Fire Chief Mike Neal said. “They were charging one in a front bedroom and left it laying on the bed. Apparently that’s where the fire started — the tablet had melted and was just a big glob of plastic glued to the bed.”

Neal said the occupants did use a garden hose and were able to get most of the fire dealt with before firefighters arrived.

“The first on scene helped toss the mattress and some clothing out in the yard,” Neal said.

Fire alarms worked throughout the house, Neal said, alerting the adults, who called for help.

“They were lucky they were home and quick-acting with the garden hose,” Neal said.

Neal said the family was able to stay home after the smoke cleared. The adult male was treated for smoke inhalation at the scene, but did not have to be taken to a hospital.


Father finds son's bed 'set on fire' by phone charger
27 December 2016 at 11:20am

A father from Birmingham says a fire alarm saved his life after his mobile phone reportedly set fire to his son’s bed while it was charging.

Sean Hughes returned from working a night shift at Jaguar Land Rover in Castle Bromwich and placed his Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge phone on his son's bed to charge.

He went to bed in his own room at 6.45am – but at 9am he was awoken by the smoke alarm. When he went into his son’s room, he says he found the phone charger on fire and the bed smouldering.

Burn marks can be seen on the bed linen after the incident.

34-year-old Sean from Severne Road in Acocks Green, says he has since contacted Samsung, and says they told him the phone was not to blame and that it must have been an ‘outside heat source’.

If it hadn’t been for my smoke alarm, I dread to think what may have happened. When I woke up, I really panicked.

I could smell what I can only describe as burning wire, and smoke coming from my son’s bedroom. My son had gone out at the time with my wife.

There was smoke coming from the charger and the bed was smouldering. I threw the charger out of the window. I want people to know that chargers can be dangerous if left unattended.

– Sean Hughes

Two months ago, the firm suspended all production of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, halted sales worldwide and told customers to stop using the device.

It is currently preparing to bring out the hotly anticipated Samsung Galaxy S8 in 2017.


Fire Dept: Tablet Battery Sparked Apartment Fire
Posted On December 27, 2016

(Vevay, Ind.) – A faulty tablet battery may have started a fire in a Vevay apartment Tuesday morning.

Jeff-Craig Fire Department posted photos of the fire and its possible source on the fire department’s Facebook page.

“Cause of the fire appeared to be a Samsung Tablet. The battery compartment showed evidence of a rupture. Check your electronics for possible recalls due to fire hazard,” the post read.

The damage done in the apartment was minimal and nobody was injured.

The local Red Cross is assisting the family of five that lives in the apartment.


First case of Samsung Galaxy smartphone burst reported in India
December 29, 2016 17:37 IST

The year 2016 definitely wasn't a great one for Samsung with its Galaxy Note 7 catching fire randomly and even exploding in some parts of the world. Now, there is one more report of a Samsung Galaxy smartphone exploding and causing injuries - the difference is that the latest incident has been reported from Southern India.

News channels in Karnataka were recently abuzz with reports about a Samsung Galaxy smartphone exploding, whilst it was in a man's trouser pocket. The explosion is said to have caused injuries to its owner, a resident of a village within Bagalkot Taluk limits.

Details regarding the exact version number and variant of this Samsung Galaxy smartphone are yet to surface. Various reports state that the smartphone was charged up to 52%, when it suddenly burst and caused injuries on the thigh area of its owner, Siddappa Anagawadi, who is now said to be under treatment at the Bagalkot Taluk hospital. Siddappa, in a statement to Kannada news channels, said that he was sitting down when the smartphone burst without any warning.

Siddappa is said to have purchased this smartphone in 2014 and he has not given the phone for any repairs till the time it exploded and even after that. It is not known whether he would lodge a complaint against Samsung.

This incident is the first reported incident in India as far as Samsung smartphones going up in flames/exploding are concerned.



In a first, 15-year-old boy killed in a smartphone explosion
December 31, 2016

15-year-old dies after smartphone explodes while talking, Police check whether the smartphone was Samsung Galaxy Note 7.

While there have been thousands of reports of Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 exploding none have caused fatalities though some have caused grievous injuries up to now. For probably the first time an exploding smartphone believed to be Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 took somebody’s life. A 15-year-old boy died in Tamil Nadu, India after his Samsung smartphone caught fire on Thursday, leaving him with severe burns.

The police are enquiring whether the smartphone was Samsung Galaxy Note 7 which has long history of exploding in user’s hands and has been banned onboard planes almost all over the world.

According to a Times of India report, the 15-year-old was on the terrace speaking to someone on the mobile, when it burst into flames. Even as he tried to throw the phone away, his clothes caught fire, leaving him with 40% to 50% burns. The boy who is originally from Bangalore had gone to his native place to celebrate the new year.

The Samsung Galaxy Note explosion reports hit headlines after Samsung hurried through the launch to beat the upcoming Apple iPhone 7. Experts felt that Samsung in its efforts to get to market before Apple disregarded quality control and security checks before rolling out the Galaxy Note 7 to buyers. After a worldwide outcry, in September two weeks after the Note 7 launch, Samsung finally announced it was discontinuing Galaxy Note 7 smartphone sales and started issuing replacements to existing buyers.
前往討論:[轉貼] 不只Note7 美男子用S7 edge自燃導致三度燒傷 !


2016/12/27 00:23:44


#5978762 IP 242.34.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2016/12/27 00:23:44

發文IP 242.34.*.*

事件發生到現在,那個班導其實應該負最大責任,而不是由校長辭職扛責任。 聽說那位班導還是教歷史的,真是誤人子弟。

2016/12/27 00:27:45

發文IP 242.34.*.*

事件發生到現在,那個班導其實應該負最大責任,而不是由校長辭職扛責任。 聽說那位班導還是教歷史的。


2016/12/22 23:37:59


#5977627 IP 242.34.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2016/12/22 23:37:59

發文IP 242.34.*.*

嗯~~新增了暗黑科技,售價也許會貴一點。 耶誕節快到了,放個煙火提前慶祝熱鬧一下。 -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://3c.ltn.com.tw/news/27930"]http://3c.ltn.com.tw/news/27930[/url] 爆不完!三星 Galaxy S6 edge 又自燃了! 2016-12-22 10:03 2016 年下半年對於韓國電子大廠三星(Samsung)來說,真的不太好過。旗艦手機 Galaxy Note 7 因多起自燃事件起火、最終停產,至今三星都尚未對外公開說明真正的爆炸原因。屋漏偏逢連夜雨,除了 Note 7 以外,其他款式的 Galaxy 機種也有零星的起火自燃事件。今天外媒又爆料,有網友指出,2015 年發表的 Galaxy S6 edge 也爆炸了! PhoneArena 報導,國外論壇 Reddit 用戶 ReturnThroughAether 在網路上PO文表示,某天晚上睡覺時,他的 Galaxy S6 edge 放在床頭櫃上的時候突然燒起來,幸好沒人因此受傷。該名用戶也沒有因手機自燃而驚醒,直到隔天早上才發現手機已經被燒壞了。 該用戶表示,在這次意外之前,他的 S6 edge 並沒有出現過熱或其他異常狀況。他表示目前已經通知三星以及電信業者,是否會有後續的換機或賠償事宜?該名用戶並未詳述。 -------------------------PhoneArena 報導--------------------------- [url="http://www.phonearena.com/news/Another-day-another-exploding-Samsung-"]http://www.phonearena.com/news/Another-day-another-exploding-Samsung-[/url] [b]Another day, another exploding Samsung: Galaxy S6 edge catches fire on nightstand[/b] Posted:21 Dec 2016, 02:59, by Paul K. Samsung's reputation hasn't had the best of time in recent months. Of course, we are talking about the whole Galaxy Note 7 fiasco. What was supposed to be one of the best phones of 2016 turned to be a safety hazard, a PR nightmare, and a broken dream for the Samsung-faithful. However, it seems the self-combustion issue is not strictly limited to the Note 7, as some reports of Galaxy S7 edge and S6 edge devices catching fire have also been coming in. At this point, there really is no way of telling if the cases of non-Note 7 devices exploding are caused by Samsung having a core issue with the way it builds phones, or if they are accidents caused by external origins, such as mechanical shock or the use of low-quality chargers. But one thing is for sure, every time such a report drops, Samsung's name takes another hit. A Reddit user by the name of ReturnThroughAether has just posted photos of their Galaxy S6 edge having crossed to the Great Beyond in a fiery fashion. Luckily, no one was hurt — the phone was placed on a nightstand when it went off, and it has, apparently, done the Shireen Baratheon impression quietly, as it didn't even wake the user up, they just found the charred device like that on the next day. ReturnThroughAether reports they have talked to Samsung and their carrier, but hasn't said whether a replacement or any type of compensation would be issued (maybe the case is still being processed). The phone, the user says, hasn't shown any issues, such as overheating, prior to this incident. Of course, there could be plenty of reasons for the incident — through the years, we've seen many different phones, from various brands, go out with a bang. But Samsung's name is currently smeared and these reports definitely have more weight. It has been said that the company knows the exact reason why the Note 7 turned out to be a defective device but is not ready to publicly share the information. We wouldn't know why that is, but we do believe that the sooner Sammy proclaims that it's on top of the issue, the sooner consumers would start feeling a bit more confident in the brand.

2016/12/30 23:21:08

發文IP 242.34.*.*

嗯......一分錢一分貨,新增了暗黑科技,售價也許會貴一點。相信粉絲們是能夠理解的。 耶誕節快到了,放個煙火提前慶祝熱鬧一下。 -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://3c.ltn.com.tw/news/27930"]http://3c.ltn.com.tw/news/27930[/url] 爆不完!三星 Galaxy S6 edge 又自燃了! 2016-12-22 10:03 2016 年下半年對於韓國電子大廠三星(Samsung)來說,真的不太好過。旗艦手機 Galaxy Note 7 因多起自燃事件起火、最終停產,至今三星都尚未對外公開說明真正的爆炸原因。屋漏偏逢連夜雨,除了 Note 7 以外,其他款式的 Galaxy 機種也有零星的起火自燃事件。今天外媒又爆料,有網友指出,2015 年發表的 Galaxy S6 edge 也爆炸了! PhoneArena 報導,國外論壇 Reddit 用戶 ReturnThroughAether 在網路上PO文表示,某天晚上睡覺時,他的 Galaxy S6 edge 放在床頭櫃上的時候突然燒起來,幸好沒人因此受傷。該名用戶也沒有因手機自燃而驚醒,直到隔天早上才發現手機已經被燒壞了。 該用戶表示,在這次意外之前,他的 S6 edge 並沒有出現過熱或其他異常狀況。他表示目前已經通知三星以及電信業者,是否會有後續的換機或賠償事宜?該名用戶並未詳述。 -------------------------PhoneArena 報導--------------------------- [url="http://www.phonearena.com/news/Another-day-another-exploding-Samsung-"]http://www.phonearena.com/news/Another-day-another-exploding-Samsung-[/url] [b]Another day, another exploding Samsung: Galaxy S6 edge catches fire on nightstand[/b] Posted:21 Dec 2016, 02:59, by Paul K. Samsung's reputation hasn't had the best of time in recent months. Of course, we are talking about the whole Galaxy Note 7 fiasco. What was supposed to be one of the best phones of 2016 turned to be a safety hazard, a PR nightmare, and a broken dream for the Samsung-faithful. However, it seems the self-combustion issue is not strictly limited to the Note 7, as some reports of Galaxy S7 edge and S6 edge devices catching fire have also been coming in. At this point, there really is no way of telling if the cases of non-Note 7 devices exploding are caused by Samsung having a core issue with the way it builds phones, or if they are accidents caused by external origins, such as mechanical shock or the use of low-quality chargers. But one thing is for sure, every time such a report drops, Samsung's name takes another hit. A Reddit user by the name of ReturnThroughAether has just posted photos of their Galaxy S6 edge having crossed to the Great Beyond in a fiery fashion. Luckily, no one was hurt — the phone was placed on a nightstand when it went off, and it has, apparently, done the Shireen Baratheon impression quietly, as it didn't even wake the user up, they just found the charred device like that on the next day. ReturnThroughAether reports they have talked to Samsung and their carrier, but hasn't said whether a replacement or any type of compensation would be issued (maybe the case is still being processed). The phone, the user says, hasn't shown any issues, such as overheating, prior to this incident. Of course, there could be plenty of reasons for the incident — through the years, we've seen many different phones, from various brands, go out with a bang. But Samsung's name is currently smeared and these reports definitely have more weight. It has been said that the company knows the exact reason why the Note 7 turned out to be a defective device but is not ready to publicly share the information. We wouldn't know why that is, but we do believe that the sooner Sammy proclaims that it's on top of the issue, the sooner consumers would start feeling a bit more confident in the brand.



爆不完!三星 Galaxy S6 edge 又自燃了!
2016-12-22 10:03

2016 年下半年對於韓國電子大廠三星(Samsung)來說,真的不太好過。旗艦手機 Galaxy Note 7 因多起自燃事件起火、最終停產,至今三星都尚未對外公開說明真正的爆炸原因。屋漏偏逢連夜雨,除了 Note 7 以外,其他款式的 Galaxy 機種也有零星的起火自燃事件。今天外媒又爆料,有網友指出,2015 年發表的 Galaxy S6 edge 也爆炸了!

PhoneArena 報導,國外論壇 Reddit 用戶 ReturnThroughAether 在網路上PO文表示,某天晚上睡覺時,他的 Galaxy S6 edge 放在床頭櫃上的時候突然燒起來,幸好沒人因此受傷。該名用戶也沒有因手機自燃而驚醒,直到隔天早上才發現手機已經被燒壞了。

該用戶表示,在這次意外之前,他的 S6 edge 並沒有出現過熱或其他異常狀況。他表示目前已經通知三星以及電信業者,是否會有後續的換機或賠償事宜?該名用戶並未詳述。

-------------------------PhoneArena 報導---------------------------

Another day, another exploding Samsung: Galaxy S6 edge catches fire on nightstand
Posted:21 Dec 2016, 02:59, by Paul K.

Samsung's reputation hasn't had the best of time in recent months. Of course, we are talking about the whole Galaxy Note 7 fiasco. What was supposed to be one of the best phones of 2016 turned to be a safety hazard, a PR nightmare, and a broken dream for the Samsung-faithful. However, it seems the self-combustion issue is not strictly limited to the Note 7, as some reports of Galaxy S7 edge and S6 edge devices catching fire have also been coming in.

At this point, there really is no way of telling if the cases of non-Note 7 devices exploding are caused by Samsung having a core issue with the way it builds phones, or if they are accidents caused by external origins, such as mechanical shock or the use of low-quality chargers. But one thing is for sure, every time such a report drops, Samsung's name takes another hit.

A Reddit user by the name of ReturnThroughAether has just posted photos of their Galaxy S6 edge having crossed to the Great Beyond in a fiery fashion. Luckily, no one was hurt — the phone was placed on a nightstand when it went off, and it has, apparently, done the Shireen Baratheon impression quietly, as it didn't even wake the user up, they just found the charred device like that on the next day.

ReturnThroughAether reports they have talked to Samsung and their carrier, but hasn't said whether a replacement or any type of compensation would be issued (maybe the case is still being processed). The phone, the user says, hasn't shown any issues, such as overheating, prior to this incident.

Of course, there could be plenty of reasons for the incident — through the years, we've seen many different phones, from various brands, go out with a bang. But Samsung's name is currently smeared and these reports definitely have more weight. It has been said that the company knows the exact reason why the Note 7 turned out to be a defective device but is not ready to publicly share the information. We wouldn't know why that is, but we do believe that the sooner Sammy proclaims that it's on top of the issue, the sooner consumers would start feeling a bit more confident in the brand.



2016/12/09 00:01:04


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2016/12/09 00:01:04

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在漫畫中集滿七顆龍珠可以召喚神龍,那這個煙火秀爆完一條龍能召喚到什麼?[無辜] __________________________________________ [url="https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%89%E6%98%9Fs6%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA%E6%A9%9F%E4%B8%8A%E8%87%AA%E7%87%83-%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA-%E8%99%95%E7%BD%AE%E7%84%A1%E5%BB%B6%E8%AA%A4-015258898.html#comments"]https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%89%E6%98%9Fs6%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA%E6%A9%9F%E4%B8%8A%E8%87%AA%E7%87%83-%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA-%E8%99%95%E7%BD%AE%E7%84%A1%E5%BB%B6%E8%AA%A4-015258898.html#comments[/url] 三星S6機上自燃 華航緊急放冰桶隔離 2016年12月8日 上午9:52 三星手機再度惹禍,華航表示,華航CI027班機,7日19時整從帛琉起飛,台北時間19時經過馬尼拉上空時,旅客的三星S6手機冒煙,經緊急置於冰桶內隔離,未延誤班機或人員受傷。 交通部民航局今天表示,昨晚就已掌握情況,這起冒煙的手機並不是禁止帶上機的三星Note7款式,旅客並未違規,當時手機是在飛航模式狀態,華航將手機立即降溫的處置也很正確。 民航局已留下旅客冒煙的手機,會進一步再了解手機在飛航模式下冒煙的真正原因,及檢討空服人員處理流程否有需再改進之處。 華航表示,這班飛機21時52分降落桃園機場,班機於台北時間19時,經馬尼拉上空時發生乘客手機冒煙事件,當下機組人員立即排除冒煙狀況,並將手機放置冰桶隔離,依正常程序通報民航局及飛安會,並未造成班機延誤及乘客受傷。 華航確認乘客手機型號為三星S6,針對此旅客個人事件,華航將配合主管機關程序處理以確實調查事件原因。

2016/12/09 00:11:58

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在漫畫中集滿七顆龍珠可以召喚神龍,那這個煙火秀若爆完一條龍能召喚到什麼?[無辜] __________________________________________ [url="https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%89%E6%98%9Fs6%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA%E6%A9%9F%E4%B8%8A%E8%87%AA%E7%87%83-%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA-%E8%99%95%E7%BD%AE%E7%84%A1%E5%BB%B6%E8%AA%A4-015258898.html"]https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%89%E6%98%9Fs6%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA%E6%A9%9F%E4%B8%8A%E8%87%AA%E7%87%83-%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA-%E8%99%95%E7%BD%AE%E7%84%A1%E5%BB%B6%E8%AA%A4-015258898.html[/url] 三星S6機上自燃 華航緊急放冰桶隔離 2016年12月8日 上午9:52 三星手機再度惹禍,華航表示,華航CI027班機,7日19時整從帛琉起飛,台北時間19時經過馬尼拉上空時,旅客的三星S6手機冒煙,經緊急置於冰桶內隔離,未延誤班機或人員受傷。 交通部民航局今天表示,昨晚就已掌握情況,這起冒煙的手機並不是禁止帶上機的三星Note7款式,旅客並未違規,當時手機是在飛航模式狀態,華航將手機立即降溫的處置也很正確。 民航局已留下旅客冒煙的手機,會進一步再了解手機在飛航模式下冒煙的真正原因,及檢討空服人員處理流程否有需再改進之處。 華航表示,這班飛機21時52分降落桃園機場,班機於台北時間19時,經馬尼拉上空時發生乘客手機冒煙事件,當下機組人員立即排除冒煙狀況,並將手機放置冰桶隔離,依正常程序通報民航局及飛安會,並未造成班機延誤及乘客受傷。 華航確認乘客手機型號為三星S6,針對此旅客個人事件,華航將配合主管機關程序處理以確實調查事件原因。

2016/12/14 00:26:36

發文IP 242.34.*.*

在漫畫中集滿七顆龍珠可以召喚神龍,那這個煙火秀若爆完一條龍能召喚到什麼?[無辜] __________________________________________ [url="https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%89%E6%98%9Fs6%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA%E6%A9%9F%E4%B8%8A%E8%87%AA%E7%87%83-%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA-%E8%99%95%E7%BD%AE%E7%84%A1%E5%BB%B6%E8%AA%A4-015258898.html"]https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%89%E6%98%9Fs6%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA%E6%A9%9F%E4%B8%8A%E8%87%AA%E7%87%83-%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA-%E8%99%95%E7%BD%AE%E7%84%A1%E5%BB%B6%E8%AA%A4-015258898.html[/url] 三星S6機上自燃 華航緊急放冰桶隔離 2016年12月8日 上午9:52 三星手機再度惹禍,華航表示,華航CI027班機,7日19時整從帛琉起飛,台北時間19時經過馬尼拉上空時,旅客的三星S6手機冒煙,經緊急置於冰桶內隔離,未延誤班機或人員受傷。 交通部民航局今天表示,昨晚就已掌握情況,這起冒煙的手機並不是禁止帶上機的三星Note7款式,旅客並未違規,當時手機是在飛航模式狀態,華航將手機立即降溫的處置也很正確。 民航局已留下旅客冒煙的手機,會進一步再了解手機在飛航模式下冒煙的真正原因,及檢討空服人員處理流程否有需再改進之處。 華航表示,這班飛機21時52分降落桃園機場,班機於台北時間19時,經馬尼拉上空時發生乘客手機冒煙事件,當下機組人員立即排除冒煙狀況,並將手機放置冰桶隔離,依正常程序通報民航局及飛安會,並未造成班機延誤及乘客受傷。 華航確認乘客手機型號為三星S6,針對此旅客個人事件,華航將配合主管機關程序處理以確實調查事件原因。 _______________________________________________ 12/14更新 [url="http://www.chinchillanews.com.au/news/washing-machine-"]http://www.chinchillanews.com.au/news/washing-machine-[/url] [b]Recalled washing machine explodes, destroys home[/b] 12th Dec 2016 4:11 PM Updated: 4:50 PM IT'S less than two weeks until Christmas and a young couple has been left without a home after theirs went up in flames at the weekend. Chris Ramsay and Trent Campbell bought their first home together in Murphys Creek, only for it to be completely destroyed 18 months later. About 11.30pm on Saturday Mr Ramsay and Mr Campbell were sleeping while their friend Karn Sorensen slept in the guest room when the washing machine caught fire. Mr Ramsay said he was woken to someone yelling "fire fire." "At the first I didn't know what happened but we all rushed outside," he said. "We were able to grab our mobiles and wallets and move our cars but otherwise the house is cactus. "It is totally destroyed, most of the ceiling has collapsed and it feels quite surreal seeing the house the way it is now. "This hasn't been our year but my partner and I have accepted what has happened and we will move on and be perfectly fine." Mr Ramsay said he was shocked to find out it was his Samsung washing machine that caused the fire. "It hadn't been run since Thursday and I always clean the lint," he said. "When I spoke to the insurance company they said our model of machine had been recalled last year but I didn't know and up until now I haven't had any problems with it." The couple is staying with family and friends at the moment and are unsure of where they will live in the future. "The roof will collapse soon and I am pretty sure it will have to be demolished," Mr Ramsay said.

2016/12/20 00:23:05

發文IP 242.34.*.*

在漫畫中集滿七顆龍珠可以召喚神龍,那這個煙火秀若爆完一條龍能召喚到什麼?[無辜] __________________________________________ [url="https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%89%E6%98%9Fs6%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA%E6%A9%9F%E4%B8%8A%E8%87%AA%E7%87%83-%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA-%E8%99%95%E7%BD%AE%E7%84%A1%E5%BB%B6%E8%AA%A4-015258898.html"]https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%89%E6%98%9Fs6%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA%E6%A9%9F%E4%B8%8A%E8%87%AA%E7%87%83-%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA-%E8%99%95%E7%BD%AE%E7%84%A1%E5%BB%B6%E8%AA%A4-015258898.html[/url] 三星S6機上自燃 華航緊急放冰桶隔離 2016年12月8日 上午9:52 三星手機再度惹禍,華航表示,華航CI027班機,7日19時整從帛琉起飛,台北時間19時經過馬尼拉上空時,旅客的三星S6手機冒煙,經緊急置於冰桶內隔離,未延誤班機或人員受傷。 交通部民航局今天表示,昨晚就已掌握情況,這起冒煙的手機並不是禁止帶上機的三星Note7款式,旅客並未違規,當時手機是在飛航模式狀態,華航將手機立即降溫的處置也很正確。 民航局已留下旅客冒煙的手機,會進一步再了解手機在飛航模式下冒煙的真正原因,及檢討空服人員處理流程否有需再改進之處。 華航表示,這班飛機21時52分降落桃園機場,班機於台北時間19時,經馬尼拉上空時發生乘客手機冒煙事件,當下機組人員立即排除冒煙狀況,並將手機放置冰桶隔離,依正常程序通報民航局及飛安會,並未造成班機延誤及乘客受傷。 華航確認乘客手機型號為三星S6,針對此旅客個人事件,華航將配合主管機關程序處理以確實調查事件原因。 _______________________________________________ 12/14更新 [url="http://www.chinchillanews.com.au/news/washing-machine-"]http://www.chinchillanews.com.au/news/washing-machine-[/url] [b]Recalled washing machine explodes, destroys home[/b] 12th Dec 2016 4:11 PM Updated: 4:50 PM IT'S less than two weeks until Christmas and a young couple has been left without a home after theirs went up in flames at the weekend. Chris Ramsay and Trent Campbell bought their first home together in Murphys Creek, only for it to be completely destroyed 18 months later. About 11.30pm on Saturday Mr Ramsay and Mr Campbell were sleeping while their friend Karn Sorensen slept in the guest room when the washing machine caught fire. Mr Ramsay said he was woken to someone yelling "fire fire." "At the first I didn't know what happened but we all rushed outside," he said. "We were able to grab our mobiles and wallets and move our cars but otherwise the house is cactus. "It is totally destroyed, most of the ceiling has collapsed and it feels quite surreal seeing the house the way it is now. "This hasn't been our year but my partner and I have accepted what has happened and we will move on and be perfectly fine." Mr Ramsay said he was shocked to find out it was his Samsung washing machine that caused the fire. "It hadn't been run since Thursday and I always clean the lint," he said. "When I spoke to the insurance company they said our model of machine had been recalled last year but I didn't know and up until now I haven't had any problems with it." The couple is staying with family and friends at the moment and are unsure of where they will live in the future. "The roof will collapse soon and I am pretty sure it will have to be demolished," Mr Ramsay said. _______________________________________________ 12/20更新 [url="http://www.johnsoncitypress.com/Technology/2016/12/14/Samsung-Galaxy-S7-smartphone-fire.html"]http://www.johnsoncitypress.com/Technology/2016/12/14/Samsung-Galaxy-S7-smartphone-fire.html[/url] [b]Exploding Phone[/b] [b]Gray woman claims Samsung phone exploded, destroyed her car; company responds[/b] Dec 15, 2016 at 12:12 AM Nov. 24 was almost a day like any other for Gray’s Johnnie Hyatt. After her shift at a local call center, Hyatt tried to unlock the driver’s-side door of her 2016 Toyota Camry. She couldn’t. When she walked around and opened the passenger side door, flames and smoke came out of the interior. “When I clocked out at 3:15, I came out to get in the car to leave, and my car was on fire,” Hyatt said. “The Samsung S7 had exploded and totaled my new car.” About 45 minutes earlier, Hyatt had gone out to her car to check her phone, as she often would on her break. Returning to work, she had left the smartphone in the driver’s-side door compartment under the handle. The flames eventually went out and the smoke cleared, but what was left was completely melted. She said it destroyed the driver’s-side section of her car’s interior, seeming to originate exactly where she’d left the phone. The phone itself was melted. In the middle of all the melted plastic was a pile of pink — the melted phone case she used to protect the phone. From what Hyatt has read online, the same scenario has happened to other people with Samsung Galaxy S7 phones. After the fire, Hyatt said she contacted both Samsung and Toyota, but said she has no doubt the phone was the culprit and not the vehicle. Both companies blamed the other for causing the explosion, she said. Earlier this year, after reported explosions and fires, Samsung announced a voluntary recall of all original and replacement Galaxy Note 7 devices sold or exchanged in the United States in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and in partnership with carriers and retailers. Samsung cites overheating as a possible safety risk, and is asking customers to power down phones and contact the retailer from which they bought their device. A Samsung spokeswoman responded to a Press inquiry about Hyatt’s situation specifically. “Samsung stands behind the quality and safety of the more than 10 million Galaxy S7 family phones in the U.S.,” the statement read. “We have reached out to Ms. Hyatt to learn more about what happened. Until Samsung is able to obtain and examine any device, it is impossible to determine the true cause of any incident. Mobile phones are complex devices and there are many factors that could contribute to their malfunction.” The spokeswoman said any customer who has questions or experiences an issue with a Samsung product should contact them directly at 1-800-SAMSUNG. Last week, to force remaining owners to return their phones, Samsung announced a software update for the Galaxy Note 7 phones that would prevent them from charging their batteries, essentially rendering them useless. Hyatt said her research indicated the same battery in the Galaxy Note 7 is in the Samsung S7. Hyatt can’t think of any reason the phone would have exploded, though she did drop the phone earlier in the day. Damage to the car hit a total of $8,000, which her insurance company covered, but she was without a car for three weeks. For a new phone, she’s had to pay out of pocket for the insurance claim — ultimately paying $150 for the same phone that she believes exploded in her car. This makes her extremely nervous, as a single mother to a 5-year-old. “What if I had been driving down the road, and handed the phone to her and said, ‘Baby play your game until we get where we're going,’ and then it exploded?” she asked. Past the point of a Samsung resolution, Hyatt said she was considering seeking legal counsel. _______________________________________________ [url="http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/neighbours-try-to-help-man-trapped-in-burning-flat"]http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/neighbours-try-to-help-man-trapped-in-burning-flat[/url] [b]Neighbours try to help man trapped in burning flat[/b] Published Dec 16, 2016, 5:00 am SGT A man was trapped in his burning flat as he could not reach his keys. Fortunately, around 10 neighbours came to his rescue. The blaze broke out in the living room of a flat in Block 805, King George's Avenue, on Wednesday at about 1.20pm, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said. It was doused using compressed air foam and a water jet. SCDF said emergency personnel rescued a man in his 20s who suffered burn injuries. He was taken to Singapore General Hospital. A video uploaded to Facebook on Wednesday showed neighbours throwing buckets of water into the flat before SCDF firefighters arrived. A man who had burn marks on his face was peering out from the locked door grille, calling for help. "Table, the table, the key, the black colour one," he shouted in desperation, repeating "key, help!" a few times. "Please open my door," he pleaded. A group of neighbours gathered in the corridor, trying to reach the key through a bedroom window. Their movements were impeded by bicycles and electric bikes parked there. One was seen throwing water into the flat using a bucket. Another neighbour also passed the man a wet towel so he could breathe easier in the thick smoke. It is understood that SCDF firefighters removed the window panes and climbed into the bedroom to retrieve the keys, which they used to unlock the grille. The man, surnamed Lee, lives with his father in the ninth-floor unit, Lianhe Wanbao reported. The elder Mr Lee was in Johor Baru when he got a call informing him that his home was on fire. He told the Chinese evening daily that his son had burns on his forehead and back, but is in stable condition. SCDF dispatched a fire engine, two Red Rhinos, two fire bikes, an ambulance and a support vehicle. At least three fires were reported in HDB blocks last month. A Samsung washing machine caught fire in a Bukit Panjang flat on Nov 9. A day earlier, rubbish thrown at a lift landing caught fire at a Lengkok Bahru block. Another fire was reported in Toa Payoh Central on Nov 6. In October, a fire swept through a wet market and two coffee shops in Jurong West, due to arson. A total of 2,898 fires occurred in homes last year, according to SCDF figures. They made up about 63 per cent of fires SCDF responded to.

2016/12/20 01:35:27

發文IP 242.34.*.*

在漫畫中集滿七顆龍珠可以召喚神龍,那這個煙火秀若爆完一條龍能召喚到什麼?[無辜] __________________________________________ [url="https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%89%E6%98%9Fs6%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA%E6%A9%9F%E4%B8%8A%E8%87%AA%E7%87%83-%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA-%E8%99%95%E7%BD%AE%E7%84%A1%E5%BB%B6%E8%AA%A4-015258898.html"]https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%89%E6%98%9Fs6%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA%E6%A9%9F%E4%B8%8A%E8%87%AA%E7%87%83-%E8%8F%AF%E8%88%AA-%E8%99%95%E7%BD%AE%E7%84%A1%E5%BB%B6%E8%AA%A4-015258898.html[/url] 三星S6機上自燃 華航緊急放冰桶隔離 2016年12月8日 上午9:52 三星手機再度惹禍,華航表示,華航CI027班機,7日19時整從帛琉起飛,台北時間19時經過馬尼拉上空時,旅客的三星S6手機冒煙,經緊急置於冰桶內隔離,未延誤班機或人員受傷。 交通部民航局今天表示,昨晚就已掌握情況,這起冒煙的手機並不是禁止帶上機的三星Note7款式,旅客並未違規,當時手機是在飛航模式狀態,華航將手機立即降溫的處置也很正確。 民航局已留下旅客冒煙的手機,會進一步再了解手機在飛航模式下冒煙的真正原因,及檢討空服人員處理流程否有需再改進之處。 華航表示,這班飛機21時52分降落桃園機場,班機於台北時間19時,經馬尼拉上空時發生乘客手機冒煙事件,當下機組人員立即排除冒煙狀況,並將手機放置冰桶隔離,依正常程序通報民航局及飛安會,並未造成班機延誤及乘客受傷。 華航確認乘客手機型號為三星S6,針對此旅客個人事件,華航將配合主管機關程序處理以確實調查事件原因。 _______________________________________________ 12/14更新 [url="http://www.chinchillanews.com.au/news/washing-machine-"]http://www.chinchillanews.com.au/news/washing-machine-[/url] [b]Recalled washing machine explodes, destroys home[/b] 12th Dec 2016 4:11 PM Updated: 4:50 PM IT'S less than two weeks until Christmas and a young couple has been left without a home after theirs went up in flames at the weekend. Chris Ramsay and Trent Campbell bought their first home together in Murphys Creek, only for it to be completely destroyed 18 months later. About 11.30pm on Saturday Mr Ramsay and Mr Campbell were sleeping while their friend Karn Sorensen slept in the guest room when the washing machine caught fire. Mr Ramsay said he was woken to someone yelling "fire fire." "At the first I didn't know what happened but we all rushed outside," he said. "We were able to grab our mobiles and wallets and move our cars but otherwise the house is cactus. "It is totally destroyed, most of the ceiling has collapsed and it feels quite surreal seeing the house the way it is now. "This hasn't been our year but my partner and I have accepted what has happened and we will move on and be perfectly fine." Mr Ramsay said he was shocked to find out it was his Samsung washing machine that caused the fire. "It hadn't been run since Thursday and I always clean the lint," he said. "When I spoke to the insurance company they said our model of machine had been recalled last year but I didn't know and up until now I haven't had any problems with it." The couple is staying with family and friends at the moment and are unsure of where they will live in the future. "The roof will collapse soon and I am pretty sure it will have to be demolished," Mr Ramsay said. _______________________________________________ 12/20更新 [url="http://www.johnsoncitypress.com/Technology/2016/12/14/Samsung-Galaxy-S7-smartphone-fire.html"]http://www.johnsoncitypress.com/Technology/2016/12/14/Samsung-Galaxy-S7-smartphone-fire.html[/url] [b]Exploding Phone[/b] [b]Gray woman claims Samsung phone exploded, destroyed her car; company responds[/b] Dec 15, 2016 at 12:12 AM Nov. 24 was almost a day like any other for Gray’s Johnnie Hyatt. After her shift at a local call center, Hyatt tried to unlock the driver’s-side door of her 2016 Toyota Camry. She couldn’t. When she walked around and opened the passenger side door, flames and smoke came out of the interior. “When I clocked out at 3:15, I came out to get in the car to leave, and my car was on fire,” Hyatt said. “The Samsung S7 had exploded and totaled my new car.” About 45 minutes earlier, Hyatt had gone out to her car to check her phone, as she often would on her break. Returning to work, she had left the smartphone in the driver’s-side door compartment under the handle. The flames eventually went out and the smoke cleared, but what was left was completely melted. She said it destroyed the driver’s-side section of her car’s interior, seeming to originate exactly where she’d left the phone. The phone itself was melted. In the middle of all the melted plastic was a pile of pink — the melted phone case she used to protect the phone. From what Hyatt has read online, the same scenario has happened to other people with Samsung Galaxy S7 phones. After the fire, Hyatt said she contacted both Samsung and Toyota, but said she has no doubt the phone was the culprit and not the vehicle. Both companies blamed the other for causing the explosion, she said. Earlier this year, after reported explosions and fires, Samsung announced a voluntary recall of all original and replacement Galaxy Note 7 devices sold or exchanged in the United States in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and in partnership with carriers and retailers. Samsung cites overheating as a possible safety risk, and is asking customers to power down phones and contact the retailer from which they bought their device. A Samsung spokeswoman responded to a Press inquiry about Hyatt’s situation specifically. “Samsung stands behind the quality and safety of the more than 10 million Galaxy S7 family phones in the U.S.,” the statement read. “We have reached out to Ms. Hyatt to learn more about what happened. Until Samsung is able to obtain and examine any device, it is impossible to determine the true cause of any incident. Mobile phones are complex devices and there are many factors that could contribute to their malfunction.” The spokeswoman said any customer who has questions or experiences an issue with a Samsung product should contact them directly at 1-800-SAMSUNG. Last week, to force remaining owners to return their phones, Samsung announced a software update for the Galaxy Note 7 phones that would prevent them from charging their batteries, essentially rendering them useless. Hyatt said her research indicated the same battery in the Galaxy Note 7 is in the Samsung S7. Hyatt can’t think of any reason the phone would have exploded, though she did drop the phone earlier in the day. Damage to the car hit a total of $8,000, which her insurance company covered, but she was without a car for three weeks. For a new phone, she’s had to pay out of pocket for the insurance claim — ultimately paying $150 for the same phone that she believes exploded in her car. This makes her extremely nervous, as a single mother to a 5-year-old. “What if I had been driving down the road, and handed the phone to her and said, ‘Baby play your game until we get where we're going,’ and then it exploded?” she asked. Past the point of a Samsung resolution, Hyatt said she was considering seeking legal counsel. _______________________________________________ [url="http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/neighbours-try-to-help-man-trapped-in-burning-flat"]http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/neighbours-try-to-help-man-trapped-in-burning-flat[/url] [b]Neighbours try to help man trapped in burning flat[/b] Published Dec 16, 2016, 5:00 am SGT A man was trapped in his burning flat as he could not reach his keys. Fortunately, around 10 neighbours came to his rescue. The blaze broke out in the living room of a flat in Block 805, King George's Avenue, on Wednesday at about 1.20pm, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said. It was doused using compressed air foam and a water jet. SCDF said emergency personnel rescued a man in his 20s who suffered burn injuries. He was taken to Singapore General Hospital. A video uploaded to Facebook on Wednesday showed neighbours throwing buckets of water into the flat before SCDF firefighters arrived. A man who had burn marks on his face was peering out from the locked door grille, calling for help. "Table, the table, the key, the black colour one," he shouted in desperation, repeating "key, help!" a few times. "Please open my door," he pleaded. A group of neighbours gathered in the corridor, trying to reach the key through a bedroom window. Their movements were impeded by bicycles and electric bikes parked there. One was seen throwing water into the flat using a bucket. Another neighbour also passed the man a wet towel so he could breathe easier in the thick smoke. It is understood that SCDF firefighters removed the window panes and climbed into the bedroom to retrieve the keys, which they used to unlock the grille. The man, surnamed Lee, lives with his father in the ninth-floor unit, Lianhe Wanbao reported. The elder Mr Lee was in Johor Baru when he got a call informing him that his home was on fire. He told the Chinese evening daily that his son had burns on his forehead and back, but is in stable condition. SCDF dispatched a fire engine, two Red Rhinos, two fire bikes, an ambulance and a support vehicle. At least three fires were reported in HDB blocks last month. A Samsung washing machine caught fire in a Bukit Panjang flat on Nov 9. A day earlier, rubbish thrown at a lift landing caught fire at a Lengkok Bahru block. Another fire was reported in Toa Payoh Central on Nov 6. In October, a fire swept through a wet market and two coffee shops in Jurong West, due to arson. A total of 2,898 fires occurred in homes last year, according to SCDF figures. They made up about 63 per cent of fires SCDF responded to. _______________________________________________ [url="http://www.wflx.com/story/34069240/recalled-washing-machines-remain-unfixed"]http://www.wflx.com/story/34069240/recalled-washing-machines-remain-unfixed[/url] [b]Recalled washing machines remain unfixed[/b] Published:Friday, December 16th 2016, 9:54 am PHT 2016 marks a tough year for Samsung. First, there was a design flaw on the brand new Galaxy Note 7 phone, which went on sale in late August, that caused the batteries to explode. Another recall was made in November for 34 different models of washing machines, and, like the phones, those washing machines also explode.
三星S6機上自燃 華航緊急放冰桶隔離
2016年12月8日 上午9:52





Recalled washing machine explodes, destroys home
12th Dec 2016 4:11 PM Updated: 4:50 PM

IT'S less than two weeks until Christmas and a young couple has been left without a home after theirs went up in flames at the weekend.

Chris Ramsay and Trent Campbell bought their first home together in Murphys Creek, only for it to be completely destroyed 18 months later.

About 11.30pm on Saturday Mr Ramsay and Mr Campbell were sleeping while their friend Karn Sorensen slept in the guest room when the washing machine caught fire.

Mr Ramsay said he was woken to someone yelling "fire fire."

"At the first I didn't know what happened but we all rushed outside," he said.

"We were able to grab our mobiles and wallets and move our cars but otherwise the house is cactus.

"It is totally destroyed, most of the ceiling has collapsed and it feels quite surreal seeing the house the way it is now.

"This hasn't been our year but my partner and I have accepted what has happened and we will move on and be perfectly fine."

Mr Ramsay said he was shocked to find out it was his Samsung washing machine that caused the fire.

"It hadn't been run since Thursday and I always clean the lint," he said.

"When I spoke to the insurance company they said our model of machine had been recalled last year but I didn't know and up until now I haven't had any problems with it."

The couple is staying with family and friends at the moment and are unsure of where they will live in the future.

"The roof will collapse soon and I am pretty sure it will have to be demolished," Mr Ramsay said.
Exploding Phone
Gray woman claims Samsung phone exploded, destroyed her car; company responds
Dec 15, 2016 at 12:12 AM

Nov. 24 was almost a day like any other for Gray’s Johnnie Hyatt.

After her shift at a local call center, Hyatt tried to unlock the driver’s-side door of her 2016 Toyota Camry. She couldn’t.

When she walked around and opened the passenger side door, flames and smoke came out of the interior.

“When I clocked out at 3:15, I came out to get in the car to leave, and my car was on fire,” Hyatt said. “The Samsung S7 had exploded and totaled my new car.”

About 45 minutes earlier, Hyatt had gone out to her car to check her phone, as she often would on her break. Returning to work, she had left the smartphone in the driver’s-side door compartment under the handle.

The flames eventually went out and the smoke cleared, but what was left was completely melted. She said it destroyed the driver’s-side section of her car’s interior, seeming to originate exactly where she’d left the phone. The phone itself was melted.

In the middle of all the melted plastic was a pile of pink — the melted phone case she used to protect the phone.

From what Hyatt has read online, the same scenario has happened to other people with Samsung Galaxy S7 phones.

After the fire, Hyatt said she contacted both Samsung and Toyota, but said she has no doubt the phone was the culprit and not the vehicle. Both companies blamed the other for causing the explosion, she said.

Earlier this year, after reported explosions and fires, Samsung announced a voluntary recall of all original and replacement Galaxy Note 7 devices sold or exchanged in the United States in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and in partnership with carriers and retailers.

Samsung cites overheating as a possible safety risk, and is asking customers to power down phones and contact the retailer from which they bought their device.

A Samsung spokeswoman responded to a Press inquiry about Hyatt’s situation specifically.

“Samsung stands behind the quality and safety of the more than 10 million Galaxy S7 family phones in the U.S.,” the statement read. “We have reached out to Ms. Hyatt to learn more about what happened. Until Samsung is able to obtain and examine any device, it is impossible to determine the true cause of any incident. Mobile phones are complex devices and there are many factors that could contribute to their malfunction.”

The spokeswoman said any customer who has questions or experiences an issue with a Samsung product should contact them directly at 1-800-SAMSUNG.

Last week, to force remaining owners to return their phones, Samsung announced a software update for the Galaxy Note 7 phones that would prevent them from charging their batteries, essentially rendering them useless.

Hyatt said her research indicated the same battery in the Galaxy Note 7 is in the Samsung S7.

Hyatt can’t think of any reason the phone would have exploded, though she did drop the phone earlier in the day.

Damage to the car hit a total of $8,000, which her insurance company covered, but she was without a car for three weeks. For a new phone, she’s had to pay out of pocket for the insurance claim — ultimately paying $150 for the same phone that she believes exploded in her car.

This makes her extremely nervous, as a single mother to a 5-year-old.

“What if I had been driving down the road, and handed the phone to her and said, ‘Baby play your game until we get where we're going,’ and then it exploded?” she asked.

Past the point of a Samsung resolution, Hyatt said she was considering seeking legal counsel.
Neighbours try to help man trapped in burning flat
Published Dec 16, 2016, 5:00 am SGT

A man was trapped in his burning flat as he could not reach his keys. Fortunately, around 10 neighbours came to his rescue.

The blaze broke out in the living room of a flat in Block 805, King George's Avenue, on Wednesday at about 1.20pm, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said.

It was doused using compressed air foam and a water jet.

SCDF said emergency personnel rescued a man in his 20s who suffered burn injuries. He was taken to Singapore General Hospital.

A video uploaded to Facebook on Wednesday showed neighbours throwing buckets of water into the flat before SCDF firefighters arrived.

A man who had burn marks on his face was peering out from the locked door grille, calling for help.

"Table, the table, the key, the black colour one," he shouted in desperation, repeating "key, help!" a few times. "Please open my door," he pleaded.

A group of neighbours gathered in the corridor, trying to reach the key through a bedroom window. Their movements were impeded by bicycles and electric bikes parked there. One was seen throwing water into the flat using a bucket. Another neighbour also passed the man a wet towel so he could breathe easier in the thick smoke.

It is understood that SCDF firefighters removed the window panes and climbed into the bedroom to retrieve the keys, which they used to unlock the grille.

The man, surnamed Lee, lives with his father in the ninth-floor unit, Lianhe Wanbao reported.

The elder Mr Lee was in Johor Baru when he got a call informing him that his home was on fire. He told the Chinese evening daily that his son had burns on his forehead and back, but is in stable condition.

SCDF dispatched a fire engine, two Red Rhinos, two fire bikes, an ambulance and a support vehicle.

At least three fires were reported in HDB blocks last month.

A Samsung washing machine caught fire in a Bukit Panjang flat on Nov 9. A day earlier, rubbish thrown at a lift landing caught fire at a Lengkok Bahru block. Another fire was reported in Toa Payoh Central on Nov 6.

In October, a fire swept through a wet market and two coffee shops in Jurong West, due to arson.

A total of 2,898 fires occurred in homes last year, according to SCDF figures. They made up about 63 per cent of fires SCDF responded to.
Recalled washing machines remain unfixed
Published:Friday, December 16th 2016, 9:54 am PHT

2016 marks a tough year for Samsung. First, there was a design flaw on the brand new Galaxy Note 7 phone, which went on sale in late August, that caused the batteries to explode.

Another recall was made in November for 34 different models of washing machines, and, like the phones, those washing machines also explode.

前往討論:[轉貼] 不只Note7 美男子用S7 edge自燃導致三度燒傷 !


2016/12/06 21:44:34


#5972008 IP 242.34.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章



Sydney family flees home after Samsung washing machines catches on fire
December 5 2016 - 8:34PM

A Samsung washing machine caught on fire in a south-western Sydney home on Monday, triggering the resident to flee with her three grandchildren.

The fire occurred about midday at a house in Littimer Way in Ambarvale, according to Fire and Rescue NSW Superintendent Jeremy Fewtrell.

The top-loader is one of six models under recall by Samsung and it doesn't appear to have been repaired, he said.

"The fire was extinguished prior to FRNSW's arrival and was contained to the machine's control panel and hose," he said. "The home's occupants had self-evacuated and no one was injured."

Samsung launched a recall of six washing machine models in mid-2013. So far, 82 per cent of the 144,451 faulty machines have been repaired, refunded or replaced.

While the recall rate is impressive, fire investigators have expressed concern over the plastic bag-and-tape rework – approved by NSW Fair Trading – slamming it as "deficient".

Samsung's latest recall figures show that there have been 317 incidents with faulty machines across Australia, including burning, melting and fires. Ten per cent of the incidents involved machines that have been repaired.

The resident, Joanne, who didn't reveal her surname, said she had only had the machine for about a year. It's unclear whether she knew about the recall.

"It started when all the smoke was going through my house and I come in to look around and see where it was coming from ... washing machine was absolutely on fire," she said.

"I told my family to get out of the house ... I was absolutely frantic because I have three grandchildren in this house, so I told everybody to get out of the house.

"I haven't had it for very long and this is the damage it's done, so they're very dangerous."



Michigan man claims Samsung Note 4 exploded
Sunday, December 04, 2016 09:52PM

A Samsung Note 4 owner claimed that his cellphone exploded last week while he was in bed, sending him to the hospital.

Bayar Karim, a 27-year-old Detroit man, told WXYZ-TV that battery acid from his phone went flying and burned holes in his shirt. He said similar holes were in his bed sheets.

And now, he's having trouble breathing and hearing.

The phone was face up, and not charging, when all of a sudden it burst into flames, flipping over, Karim said.

Firefighters responded to his home, he said, and Karim spent nearly seven hours at the hospital.

Just a few months ago, the Samsung Note 7 was recalled after several reports of that phone exploding.

前往討論:[轉貼] 不只Note7 美男子用S7 edge自燃導致三度燒傷 !


2016/12/06 21:38:50


#5972005 IP 242.34.*.* 修改過4 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2016/12/06 21:38:50

發文IP 242.34.*.*

三爽家大業大,事業包山包海,以前底下子公司也是有賣軍火的,不過後來賣掉退出了軍火市場。 現在手機業和家電業群雄並起,利潤逐漸下滑,早已成了腥風血雨的紅海市場。反觀軍火業獲利豐厚,所以立足軍火市場才是王道啊! 我們可以合理相信:為了打開知名度,重新再回到軍火市場,三不五時放個煙火展示一下暗黑科技也是必要的。 電冰箱 [boom!!!] 電視 [boom!!!] 洗衣機 [boom!!!] 手機 [boom!!!] ........................... ........................... ........................... 可別小看了這煙火秀,除了可展示暗黑科技外,還能讓整個心靈受到洗滌耶,真是超棒的! 大家以為煙火秀就這樣放完結束了嗎?還沒完,說著說著馬上就來兩個煙火...... -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/sydney-family-flees-home-after-samsung-"]http://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/sydney-family-flees-home-after-samsung-[/url] [b]Sydney family flees home after Samsung washing machines catches on fire[/b] December 5 2016 - 8:34PM A Samsung washing machine caught on fire in a south-western Sydney home on Monday, triggering the resident to flee with her three grandchildren. The fire occurred about midday at a house in Littimer Way in Ambarvale, according to Fire and Rescue NSW Superintendent Jeremy Fewtrell. The top-loader is one of six models under recall by Samsung and it doesn't appear to have been repaired, he said. "The fire was extinguished prior to FRNSW's arrival and was contained to the machine's control panel and hose," he said. "The home's occupants had self-evacuated and no one was injured." Samsung launched a recall of six washing machine models in mid-2013. So far, 82 per cent of the 144,451 faulty machines have been repaired, refunded or replaced. While the recall rate is impressive, fire investigators have expressed concern over the plastic bag-and-tape rework – approved by NSW Fair Trading – slamming it as "deficient". Samsung's latest recall figures show that there have been 317 incidents with faulty machines across Australia, including burning, melting and fires. Ten per cent of the incidents involved machines that have been repaired. The resident, Joanne, who didn't reveal her surname, said she had only had the machine for about a year. It's unclear whether she knew about the recall. "It started when all the smoke was going through my house and I come in to look around and see where it was coming from ... washing machine was absolutely on fire," she said. "I told my family to get out of the house ... I was absolutely frantic because I have three grandchildren in this house, so I told everybody to get out of the house. "I haven't had it for very long and this is the damage it's done, so they're very dangerous." --------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://abc7chicago.com/news/michigan-man-claims-samsung-note-4-exploded/1639815/"]http://abc7chicago.com/news/michigan-man-claims-samsung-note-4-exploded/1639815/[/url] [b]Michigan man claims Samsung Note 4 exploded[/b] Sunday, December 04, 2016 09:52PM DETROIT (WLS) -- A Samsung Note 4 owner claimed that his cellphone exploded last week while he was in bed, sending him to the hospital. Bayar Karim, a 27-year-old Detroit man, told WXYZ-TV that battery acid from his phone went flying and burned holes in his shirt. He said similar holes were in his bed sheets. And now, he's having trouble breathing and hearing. The phone was face up, and not charging, when all of a sudden it burst into flames, flipping over, Karim said. Firefighters responded to his home, he said, and Karim spent nearly seven hours at the hospital. Just a few months ago, the Samsung Note 7 was recalled after several reports of that phone exploding.

2016/12/06 22:25:31

發文IP 242.34.*.*

三爽家大業大,事業包山包海,以前底下子公司也是有賣軍火的,不過後來賣掉退出了軍火市場。 現在手機業和家電業群雄並起,利潤逐漸下滑,早已成了腥風血雨的紅海市場。反觀軍火業獲利豐厚,所以立足軍火市場才是王道啊! 我們可以合理相信:為了打開知名度重新再回到軍火市場,三不五時放個煙火展示一下暗黑科技也是必要的。 電冰箱 [boom!!!] 電視 [boom!!!] 洗衣機 [boom!!!] 手機 [boom!!!] ........................... ........................... ........................... 可別小看了這煙火秀,除了可展示暗黑科技外,還能讓整個心靈受到洗滌耶,真是超棒的! 大家以為煙火秀就這樣放完結束了嗎?還沒完,說著說著馬上就來兩個煙火...... -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/sydney-family-flees-home-after-samsung-"]http://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/sydney-family-flees-home-after-samsung-[/url] [b]Sydney family flees home after Samsung washing machines catches on fire[/b] December 5 2016 - 8:34PM A Samsung washing machine caught on fire in a south-western Sydney home on Monday, triggering the resident to flee with her three grandchildren. The fire occurred about midday at a house in Littimer Way in Ambarvale, according to Fire and Rescue NSW Superintendent Jeremy Fewtrell. The top-loader is one of six models under recall by Samsung and it doesn't appear to have been repaired, he said. "The fire was extinguished prior to FRNSW's arrival and was contained to the machine's control panel and hose," he said. "The home's occupants had self-evacuated and no one was injured." Samsung launched a recall of six washing machine models in mid-2013. So far, 82 per cent of the 144,451 faulty machines have been repaired, refunded or replaced. While the recall rate is impressive, fire investigators have expressed concern over the plastic bag-and-tape rework – approved by NSW Fair Trading – slamming it as "deficient". Samsung's latest recall figures show that there have been 317 incidents with faulty machines across Australia, including burning, melting and fires. Ten per cent of the incidents involved machines that have been repaired. The resident, Joanne, who didn't reveal her surname, said she had only had the machine for about a year. It's unclear whether she knew about the recall. "It started when all the smoke was going through my house and I come in to look around and see where it was coming from ... washing machine was absolutely on fire," she said. "I told my family to get out of the house ... I was absolutely frantic because I have three grandchildren in this house, so I told everybody to get out of the house. "I haven't had it for very long and this is the damage it's done, so they're very dangerous." --------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://abc7chicago.com/news/michigan-man-claims-samsung-note-4-exploded/1639815/"]http://abc7chicago.com/news/michigan-man-claims-samsung-note-4-exploded/1639815/[/url] [b]Michigan man claims Samsung Note 4 exploded[/b] Sunday, December 04, 2016 09:52PM DETROIT (WLS) -- A Samsung Note 4 owner claimed that his cellphone exploded last week while he was in bed, sending him to the hospital. Bayar Karim, a 27-year-old Detroit man, told WXYZ-TV that battery acid from his phone went flying and burned holes in his shirt. He said similar holes were in his bed sheets. And now, he's having trouble breathing and hearing. The phone was face up, and not charging, when all of a sudden it burst into flames, flipping over, Karim said. Firefighters responded to his home, he said, and Karim spent nearly seven hours at the hospital. Just a few months ago, the Samsung Note 7 was recalled after several reports of that phone exploding.

2016/12/07 01:26:59

發文IP 242.34.*.*

三爽家大業大,事業包山包海,以前底下子公司也是有賣軍火的,不過後來賣掉退出了軍火市場。 現在手機業和家電業群雄並起,利潤逐漸下滑,早已成了腥風血雨的紅海市場;反觀軍火業仍然獲利豐厚。因此,重回軍火市場才是王道啊! 我們可以合理相信:為了打開知名度重新再回到軍火市場,三不五時放個煙火展示一下超群絕倫的暗黑科技也是必要的。 電冰箱 [boom!!!] 電視 [boom!!!] 洗衣機 [boom!!!] 手機 [boom!!!] ........................... ........................... ........................... 可別小看了這煙火秀,除了可展示暗黑科技外,還能讓整個心靈受到洗滌耶,真是超棒的! 大家以為煙火秀就這樣放完結束了嗎?還沒完,說著說著馬上就來兩個煙火...... -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/sydney-family-flees-home-after-samsung-"]http://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/sydney-family-flees-home-after-samsung-[/url] [b]Sydney family flees home after Samsung washing machines catches on fire[/b] December 5 2016 - 8:34PM A Samsung washing machine caught on fire in a south-western Sydney home on Monday, triggering the resident to flee with her three grandchildren. The fire occurred about midday at a house in Littimer Way in Ambarvale, according to Fire and Rescue NSW Superintendent Jeremy Fewtrell. The top-loader is one of six models under recall by Samsung and it doesn't appear to have been repaired, he said. "The fire was extinguished prior to FRNSW's arrival and was contained to the machine's control panel and hose," he said. "The home's occupants had self-evacuated and no one was injured." Samsung launched a recall of six washing machine models in mid-2013. So far, 82 per cent of the 144,451 faulty machines have been repaired, refunded or replaced. While the recall rate is impressive, fire investigators have expressed concern over the plastic bag-and-tape rework – approved by NSW Fair Trading – slamming it as "deficient". Samsung's latest recall figures show that there have been 317 incidents with faulty machines across Australia, including burning, melting and fires. Ten per cent of the incidents involved machines that have been repaired. The resident, Joanne, who didn't reveal her surname, said she had only had the machine for about a year. It's unclear whether she knew about the recall. "It started when all the smoke was going through my house and I come in to look around and see where it was coming from ... washing machine was absolutely on fire," she said. "I told my family to get out of the house ... I was absolutely frantic because I have three grandchildren in this house, so I told everybody to get out of the house. "I haven't had it for very long and this is the damage it's done, so they're very dangerous." --------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://abc7chicago.com/news/michigan-man-claims-samsung-note-4-exploded/1639815/"]http://abc7chicago.com/news/michigan-man-claims-samsung-note-4-exploded/1639815/[/url] [b]Michigan man claims Samsung Note 4 exploded[/b] Sunday, December 04, 2016 09:52PM DETROIT (WLS) -- A Samsung Note 4 owner claimed that his cellphone exploded last week while he was in bed, sending him to the hospital. Bayar Karim, a 27-year-old Detroit man, told WXYZ-TV that battery acid from his phone went flying and burned holes in his shirt. He said similar holes were in his bed sheets. And now, he's having trouble breathing and hearing. The phone was face up, and not charging, when all of a sudden it burst into flames, flipping over, Karim said. Firefighters responded to his home, he said, and Karim spent nearly seven hours at the hospital. Just a few months ago, the Samsung Note 7 was recalled after several reports of that phone exploding.

2016/12/11 17:07:33

發文IP 242.34.*.*

三爽家大業大,事業包山包海,以前底下子公司也是有賣軍火的,不過後來賣掉退出了軍火市場。 現在手機業和家電業群雄並起,利潤逐漸下滑,早已成了腥風血雨的紅海市場;反觀軍火業仍然獲利豐厚。因此,重回軍火市場才是王道啊! 我們可以合理相信:為了打開知名度重新再回到軍火市場,三不五時放個煙火展示一下超群絕倫的暗黑科技也是必要的。 電冰箱 [boom!!!] 電視 [boom!!!] 洗衣機 [boom!!!] 手機 [boom!!!] ........................... ........................... ........................... 可別小看了這煙火秀,除了可展示暗黑科技外,還能讓整個心靈受到洗滌耶,真是超棒的! 大家以為煙火秀就這樣放完結束了嗎?還沒完,這麼絢爛的煙火哪能這麼快就滅了,一定要給它放到天荒地老啊!說著說著馬上就來兩個煙火...... -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/sydney-family-flees-home-after-samsung-"]http://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/sydney-family-flees-home-after-samsung-[/url] [b]Sydney family flees home after Samsung washing machines catches on fire[/b] December 5 2016 - 8:34PM A Samsung washing machine caught on fire in a south-western Sydney home on Monday, triggering the resident to flee with her three grandchildren. The fire occurred about midday at a house in Littimer Way in Ambarvale, according to Fire and Rescue NSW Superintendent Jeremy Fewtrell. The top-loader is one of six models under recall by Samsung and it doesn't appear to have been repaired, he said. "The fire was extinguished prior to FRNSW's arrival and was contained to the machine's control panel and hose," he said. "The home's occupants had self-evacuated and no one was injured." Samsung launched a recall of six washing machine models in mid-2013. So far, 82 per cent of the 144,451 faulty machines have been repaired, refunded or replaced. While the recall rate is impressive, fire investigators have expressed concern over the plastic bag-and-tape rework – approved by NSW Fair Trading – slamming it as "deficient". Samsung's latest recall figures show that there have been 317 incidents with faulty machines across Australia, including burning, melting and fires. Ten per cent of the incidents involved machines that have been repaired. The resident, Joanne, who didn't reveal her surname, said she had only had the machine for about a year. It's unclear whether she knew about the recall. "It started when all the smoke was going through my house and I come in to look around and see where it was coming from ... washing machine was absolutely on fire," she said. "I told my family to get out of the house ... I was absolutely frantic because I have three grandchildren in this house, so I told everybody to get out of the house. "I haven't had it for very long and this is the damage it's done, so they're very dangerous." --------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://abc7chicago.com/news/michigan-man-claims-samsung-note-4-exploded/1639815/"]http://abc7chicago.com/news/michigan-man-claims-samsung-note-4-exploded/1639815/[/url] [b]Michigan man claims Samsung Note 4 exploded[/b] Sunday, December 04, 2016 09:52PM DETROIT (WLS) -- A Samsung Note 4 owner claimed that his cellphone exploded last week while he was in bed, sending him to the hospital. Bayar Karim, a 27-year-old Detroit man, told WXYZ-TV that battery acid from his phone went flying and burned holes in his shirt. He said similar holes were in his bed sheets. And now, he's having trouble breathing and hearing. The phone was face up, and not charging, when all of a sudden it burst into flames, flipping over, Karim said. Firefighters responded to his home, he said, and Karim spent nearly seven hours at the hospital. Just a few months ago, the Samsung Note 7 was recalled after several reports of that phone exploding.

2016/12/31 00:15:16

發文IP 242.34.*.*

三爽家大業大,事業包山包海,以前底下子公司也是有賣軍火的,不過後來賣掉退出了軍火市場。 現在手機業和家電業群雄並起,利潤逐漸下滑,早已成了腥風血雨的紅海市場;反觀軍火業仍然利潤豐厚。因此,重回軍火市場才是王道啊! 我們可以合理相信,為了打開知名度重新再回到軍火市場,三不五時放個煙火展示一下超群絕倫的暗黑科技也是必要的。 電冰箱 [boom!!!] 電視 [boom!!!] 洗衣機 [boom!!!] 手機 [boom!!!] 平板電腦 [boom!!!] ........................... ........................... ........................... 可別小看了這煙火秀,除了可展示暗黑科技外,還具有療癒功效能讓整個心靈受到洗滌耶,真是超棒的! 大家以為煙火秀就這樣放完結束了嗎?還沒完,這麼絢爛奪目的煙火哪能這麼快就滅了,一定要給它放到天荒地老海枯石爛。啊!說著說著馬上就來兩個煙火...... -------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/sydney-family-flees-home-after-samsung-"]http://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/sydney-family-flees-home-after-samsung-[/url] [b]Sydney family flees home after Samsung washing machines catches on fire[/b] December 5 2016 - 8:34PM A Samsung washing machine caught on fire in a south-western Sydney home on Monday, triggering the resident to flee with her three grandchildren. The fire occurred about midday at a house in Littimer Way in Ambarvale, according to Fire and Rescue NSW Superintendent Jeremy Fewtrell. The top-loader is one of six models under recall by Samsung and it doesn't appear to have been repaired, he said. "The fire was extinguished prior to FRNSW's arrival and was contained to the machine's control panel and hose," he said. "The home's occupants had self-evacuated and no one was injured." Samsung launched a recall of six washing machine models in mid-2013. So far, 82 per cent of the 144,451 faulty machines have been repaired, refunded or replaced. While the recall rate is impressive, fire investigators have expressed concern over the plastic bag-and-tape rework – approved by NSW Fair Trading – slamming it as "deficient". Samsung's latest recall figures show that there have been 317 incidents with faulty machines across Australia, including burning, melting and fires. Ten per cent of the incidents involved machines that have been repaired. The resident, Joanne, who didn't reveal her surname, said she had only had the machine for about a year. It's unclear whether she knew about the recall. "It started when all the smoke was going through my house and I come in to look around and see where it was coming from ... washing machine was absolutely on fire," she said. "I told my family to get out of the house ... I was absolutely frantic because I have three grandchildren in this house, so I told everybody to get out of the house. "I haven't had it for very long and this is the damage it's done, so they're very dangerous." --------------------------分隔線--------------------------- [url="http://abc7chicago.com/news/michigan-man-claims-samsung-note-4-exploded/1639815/"]http://abc7chicago.com/news/michigan-man-claims-samsung-note-4-exploded/1639815/[/url] [b]Michigan man claims Samsung Note 4 exploded[/b] Sunday, December 04, 2016 09:52PM DETROIT (WLS) -- A Samsung Note 4 owner claimed that his cellphone exploded last week while he was in bed, sending him to the hospital. Bayar Karim, a 27-year-old Detroit man, told WXYZ-TV that battery acid from his phone went flying and burned holes in his shirt. He said similar holes were in his bed sheets. And now, he's having trouble breathing and hearing. The phone was face up, and not charging, when all of a sudden it burst into flames, flipping over, Karim said. Firefighters responded to his home, he said, and Karim spent nearly seven hours at the hospital. Just a few months ago, the Samsung Note 7 was recalled after several reports of that phone exploding.


電冰箱 [boom!!!]
電視 [boom!!!]
洗衣機 [boom!!!]
手機 [boom!!!]
平板電腦 [boom!!!]




Sydney family flees home after Samsung washing machines catches on fire
December 5 2016 - 8:34PM

A Samsung washing machine caught on fire in a south-western Sydney home on Monday, triggering the resident to flee with her three grandchildren.

The fire occurred about midday at a house in Littimer Way in Ambarvale, according to Fire and Rescue NSW Superintendent Jeremy Fewtrell.

The top-loader is one of six models under recall by Samsung and it doesn't appear to have been repaired, he said.

"The fire was extinguished prior to FRNSW's arrival and was contained to the machine's control panel and hose," he said. "The home's occupants had self-evacuated and no one was injured."

Samsung launched a recall of six washing machine models in mid-2013. So far, 82 per cent of the 144,451 faulty machines have been repaired, refunded or replaced.

While the recall rate is impressive, fire investigators have expressed concern over the plastic bag-and-tape rework – approved by NSW Fair Trading – slamming it as "deficient".

Samsung's latest recall figures show that there have been 317 incidents with faulty machines across Australia, including burning, melting and fires. Ten per cent of the incidents involved machines that have been repaired.

The resident, Joanne, who didn't reveal her surname, said she had only had the machine for about a year. It's unclear whether she knew about the recall.

"It started when all the smoke was going through my house and I come in to look around and see where it was coming from ... washing machine was absolutely on fire," she said.

"I told my family to get out of the house ... I was absolutely frantic because I have three grandchildren in this house, so I told everybody to get out of the house.

"I haven't had it for very long and this is the damage it's done, so they're very dangerous."



Michigan man claims Samsung Note 4 exploded
Sunday, December 04, 2016 09:52PM

A Samsung Note 4 owner claimed that his cellphone exploded last week while he was in bed, sending him to the hospital.

Bayar Karim, a 27-year-old Detroit man, told WXYZ-TV that battery acid from his phone went flying and burned holes in his shirt. He said similar holes were in his bed sheets.

And now, he's having trouble breathing and hearing.

The phone was face up, and not charging, when all of a sudden it burst into flames, flipping over, Karim said.

Firefighters responded to his home, he said, and Karim spent nearly seven hours at the hospital.

Just a few months ago, the Samsung Note 7 was recalled after several reports of that phone exploding.



2016/11/26 17:00:00


#5968004 IP 242.34.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2016/11/26 17:00:00

發文IP 242.34.*.*

小朋友天真無邪,只是把他家的狀況寫出來而已。 也許有更勁爆的內幕,那位小朋友其實想說的是:姑姑是他爸爸的小三。

2016/11/26 17:20:37

發文IP 242.34.*.*

這個題目其實是出題老師的錯,在爸爸左方多了"--------",讓小朋友產生誤解。小朋友天真無邪,只是把他家的狀況寫出來而已。也許有更勁爆的內幕,那位小朋友其實想說的是:姑姑是他爸爸的小三。 姑姑是從祖父祖母所生,又和他爸爸有不正常關係,這樣那位小朋友家的稱謂關係就正確了。


2016/11/21 00:28:10


#5965964 IP 242.34.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章



Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge phone catches fire in class at Missouri High School

Posted 8:49 pm, November 18, 2016, by CNN Wire, Updated at 09:02pm, November 18, 2016

On Thursday morning, a student’s Samsung phone caught fire in class at a high school in Missouri.

The phone was a Galaxy S7 Edge, which has not been recalled by Samsung.

No one in the freshman math class was injured, but the student’s parents were called.

A fan was put in the classroom to clear the smoke and smell. The room was closed off for the remainder of the day, and the class was relocated to the library.

“I think it was a Samsung Galaxy,” said student Cam Holmes. “That mother just blew up. It was just fire; left a stain on the floor. All the hallways were smelly and stinky and stuff.”

A short email about the phone incident was sent out by the principal, along with some other school updates. A later update was sent out by the school’s director of media and public relations.

As of 1 p.m., the air had cleared and the room will be reopened as needed.

Samsung has faced multiple recalls of phones, including the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, and washing machines this year.

A California man filed a lawsuit in September saying his Galaxy S7 Edge burst into flames in his pocket and badly burned his leg.

Tech expert and CEO of Everhance Ramsey Mohsen recommends all Galaxy users immediately switch to a different phone. “I do believe that the lack of clarity and details Samsung has shared about their devices is reason to be concerned,” said Mohsen. “There isn’t any reason to take a chance regarding your safety for yourself and others.”

前往討論:[轉貼] 不只Note7 美男子用S7 edge自燃導致三度燒傷 !


2016/11/17 00:45:12


#5964683 IP 242.34.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2016/11/17 00:45:12

發文IP 242.34.*.*

三爽就是狂啊!炸彈一出,誰與爭鋒。 _______________________________________________________________________ [url="https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E8%BD%9F%E5%91%80-samsung-%E5%8F%88%E7%88%86%E7%82%B8-%E9%80%99%E6%AC%A1%E6%98%AF-galaxy-070831267.html"]https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E8%BD%9F%E5%91%80-samsung-%E5%8F%88%E7%88%86%E7%82%B8-%E9%80%99%E6%AC%A1%E6%98%AF-galaxy-070831267.html[/url] Samsung 又爆炸!這次是 Galaxy S7! 自 Tabris Yuen | Appappapps – 9小時前 Samsung 被稱為爆炸品牌真係當之無愧,繼之前 Note 7 爆炸,法國 J5 爆炸,洗衣機爆炸今日又傳出單 Galaxy S7 爆炸事件! 事發在加拿大,Amarjit Mann 發現自己袋中的電話突然變熱,他拿出袋中的 Galaxy S7 後就立即在他手上爆炸,近距離的手機爆炸令不少火花擊到他的面部,同時也炸傷了他的手。 幸好當時 Amarjit Mann 打開了車窗,把手機拋到車外,才沒有引起更嚴重的事故。但由於他的手被燒傷,在癒合之前不能工作,他決定法律行動控告 Samsung,再加上之前 Note 7 苦主的控告行動,現在 Samsung 可謂官司纏身。 [b][winnipegsun news][/b] [url="http://www.winnipegsun.com/2016/11/13/winnipegger-suffers-phone-fire-burns"]http://www.winnipegsun.com/2016/11/13/winnipegger-suffers-phone-fire-burns[/url]

2016/11/17 01:25:24

發文IP 242.34.*.*

三爽就是狂啊!暗黑科技一出,誰與爭鋒。 _______________________________________________________________________ [url="https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E8%BD%9F%E5%91%80-samsung-%E5%8F%88%E7%88%86%E7%82%B8-%E9%80%99%E6%AC%A1%E6%98%AF-galaxy-070831267.html"]https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E8%BD%9F%E5%91%80-samsung-%E5%8F%88%E7%88%86%E7%82%B8-%E9%80%99%E6%AC%A1%E6%98%AF-galaxy-070831267.html[/url] Samsung 又爆炸!這次是 Galaxy S7! 自 Tabris Yuen | Appappapps – 9小時前 Samsung 被稱為爆炸品牌真係當之無愧,繼之前 Note 7 爆炸,法國 J5 爆炸,洗衣機爆炸今日又傳出單 Galaxy S7 爆炸事件! 事發在加拿大,Amarjit Mann 發現自己袋中的電話突然變熱,他拿出袋中的 Galaxy S7 後就立即在他手上爆炸,近距離的手機爆炸令不少火花擊到他的面部,同時也炸傷了他的手。 幸好當時 Amarjit Mann 打開了車窗,把手機拋到車外,才沒有引起更嚴重的事故。但由於他的手被燒傷,在癒合之前不能工作,他決定法律行動控告 Samsung,再加上之前 Note 7 苦主的控告行動,現在 Samsung 可謂官司纏身。 [b][winnipegsun news][/b] [url="http://www.winnipegsun.com/2016/11/13/winnipegger-suffers-phone-fire-burns"]http://www.winnipegsun.com/2016/11/13/winnipegger-suffers-phone-fire-burns[/url]


Samsung 又爆炸!這次是 Galaxy S7!
自 Tabris Yuen | Appappapps – 9小時前

Samsung 被稱為爆炸品牌真係當之無愧,繼之前 Note 7 爆炸,法國 J5 爆炸,洗衣機爆炸今日又傳出單 Galaxy S7 爆炸事件!

事發在加拿大,Amarjit Mann 發現自己袋中的電話突然變熱,他拿出袋中的 Galaxy S7 後就立即在他手上爆炸,近距離的手機爆炸令不少火花擊到他的面部,同時也炸傷了他的手。

幸好當時 Amarjit Mann 打開了車窗,把手機拋到車外,才沒有引起更嚴重的事故。但由於他的手被燒傷,在癒合之前不能工作,他決定法律行動控告 Samsung,再加上之前 Note 7 苦主的控告行動,現在 Samsung 可謂官司纏身。

[winnipegsun news]


前往討論:[轉貼] 不只Note7 美男子用S7 edge自燃導致三度燒傷 !