A lady helped her man install his new computer.一位女士幫他先生裝新電腦。 Once accomplished, she told him to select a password, a word that he'd always remember. 裝完了,她要她先生選一個電腦密碼:一個他不會忘記的英文單字。 When asked to enter it, he looked at his wife an! d with a macho gesture and a wink and selected the word....... he became a little miffed at her reaction, when he selected the word, "penis".當電腦要他打入密碼時,他眨眨眼看了看他太太,面露大男人的氣概,然後 填寫了密碼“penis” (中 文是:男人的gg)。 For, after he hit "enter", to validate the word, his wife collapsed with laughter, rolled on the floor, uncontrollably hysterical. 當他按了Enter鍵把 密碼打進電腦時,他太太歇斯底 里的笑翻了在地上打滾。 The computer replied: 電 腦顯示: . . . . TOO SHORT - ACCESS DENIED 太 短 - 進不去!!😆
這是一個很特殊的博物館,是由退役的航空母艦所改裝而成,長期停留在紐約哈得遜河上,展示許多真的海空軍機,讓平常只能在電視上看到的軍機,很難得的這麼近距離出現在眼前。無畏號航空母艦(aircraft carrier USS Intrepid)1943年服役,歷經二戰、 冷戰和越戰,在好幾次的日軍神風特攻隊自殺式攻擊及魚雷襲擊下存活下來,1974年退役後,于1982年被改建為海空博物館供遊客參觀。