
hello kimi(hellokimi)

2013/08/25 18:36:20


#5073503 IP 129.172.*.* 修改過 2 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2013/08/25 18:36:20

發文IP 129.172.*.*

[img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_658722.png[/img] 我們非常遺憾地確認了今天(8月24日)下午在ArenaPanzerplatte賽段發生了一起車禍,一輛參加非競爭性質表演賽的老爺賽車發生了車禍。該車由一對荷蘭組合駕駛,在Gina飛跳附近衝出了賽道。醫療團隊立刻趕往了出事地點進行緊急救助,但儘管我們盡了最大的努力,車手以及領航員還是因為傷勢過重而死亡。事故中僅有這兩人受傷。   在此,我們向遇難車手組合的家人、朋友以及現場目睹這起慘案的人員致以最誠摯的同情和哀悼。   ArenaPanzerplatte賽段第二回合的比賽因此取消。   德國站將在周日依照賽程繼續進行。   以下是英文原文:   It is with great sadness that the organiser can confirm an accident took place this afternoon at the Arena Panzerplatte involving a historic car participating in a non-competitive demonstration programme.   The car, driven by a Dutch pairing, left the route near the Gina crest. The emergency services were on the scene immediately to assist but despite their best efforts the injuries sustained by both the driver and passenger proved fatal. No one else was involved in the incident.   Everyone associated with the event extends their deepest sympathies and condolences to the families, friends and individuals who are being touched by today’s terrible tragedy.   The second passage of Arena Panzerplatte has been cancelled and the competition cars have been re-routed back to the Service Parkin Trier.   The rally will continue on Sunday according to its itinerary. 來源:[WRC官網] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R.I.P.

2013/08/25 18:37:17

發文IP 129.172.*.*

[img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_658722.png[/img] 我們非常遺憾地確認了今天(8月24日)下午在ArenaPanzerplatte賽段發生了一起車禍,一輛參加非競爭性質表演賽的老爺賽車發生了車禍。該車由一對荷蘭組合駕駛,在Gina飛跳附近衝出了賽道。醫療團隊立刻趕往了出事地點進行緊急救助,但儘管我們盡了最大的努力,車手以及領航員還是因為傷勢過重而死亡。事故中僅有這兩人受傷。   在此,我們向遇難車手組合的家人、朋友以及現場目睹這起慘案的人員致以最誠摯的同情和哀悼。   ArenaPanzerplatte賽段第二回合的比賽因此取消。   德國站將在周日依照賽程繼續進行。   以下是英文原文:   It is with great sadness that the organiser can confirm an accident took place this afternoon at the Arena Panzerplatte involving a historic car participating in a non-competitive demonstration programme.   The car, driven by a Dutch pairing, left the route near the Gina crest. The emergency services were on the scene immediately to assist but despite their best efforts the injuries sustained by both the driver and passenger proved fatal. No one else was involved in the incident.   Everyone associated with the event extends their deepest sympathies and condolences to the families, friends and individuals who are being touched by today’s terrible tragedy.   The second passage of Arena Panzerplatte has been cancelled and the competition cars have been re-routed back to the Service Parkin Trier.   The rally will continue on Sunday according to its itinerary. 來源:[WRC官網] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_658723.jpg[/img] R.I.P.

2013/08/25 18:38:22

發文IP 129.172.*.*

[img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_658722.png[/img] 我們非常遺憾地確認了今天(8月24日)下午在ArenaPanzerplatte賽段發生了一起車禍,一輛參加非競爭性質表演賽的老爺賽車發生了車禍。該車由一對荷蘭組合駕駛,在Gina飛跳附近衝出了賽道。醫療團隊立刻趕往了出事地點進行緊急救助,但儘管我們盡了最大的努力,車手以及領航員還是因為傷勢過重而死亡。事故中僅有這兩人受傷。   在此,我們向遇難車手組合的家人、朋友以及現場目睹這起慘案的人員致以最誠摯的同情和哀悼。   ArenaPanzerplatte賽段第二回合的比賽因此取消。   德國站將在周日依照賽程繼續進行。   以下是英文原文:   It is with great sadness that the organiser can confirm an accident took place this afternoon at the Arena Panzerplatte involving a historic car participating in a non-competitive demonstration programme.   The car, driven by a Dutch pairing, left the route near the Gina crest. The emergency services were on the scene immediately to assist but despite their best efforts the injuries sustained by both the driver and passenger proved fatal. No one else was involved in the incident.   Everyone associated with the event extends their deepest sympathies and condolences to the families, friends and individuals who are being touched by today’s terrible tragedy.   The second passage of Arena Panzerplatte has been cancelled and the competition cars have been re-routed back to the Service Parkin Trier.   The rally will continue on Sunday according to its itinerary. 來源:[WRC官網] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_658724.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_658723.jpg[/img] R.I.P.






  It is with great sadness that the organiser can confirm an accident took place this afternoon at the Arena Panzerplatte involving a historic car participating in a non-competitive demonstration programme.

  The car, driven by a Dutch pairing, left the route near the Gina crest. The emergency services were on the scene immediately to assist but despite their best efforts the injuries sustained by both the driver and passenger proved fatal. No one else was involved in the incident.

  Everyone associated with the event extends their deepest sympathies and condolences to the families, friends and individuals who are being touched by today’s terrible tragedy.

  The second passage of Arena Panzerplatte has been cancelled and the competition cars have been re-routed back to the Service Parkin Trier.

  The rally will continue on Sunday according to its itinerary.





