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2011/04/11 19:56:55

發文IP 246.170.*.*

由 attraversiamo 發表在HelloF1賽車·法拉利 http://bbs.hellof1.com/ferrari 法拉利支持肥南多·阿隆索在馬來西亞站最後階段為爭第三名的激進駕駛,哪怕他最終與劉易斯·漢密爾頓的賽車發生碰撞,丟掉了登上領獎台的機會。 碰撞發生後,法拉利賽車鼻翼受損,被迫進站,最終只能以第6完賽,車隊認為他原本甚至可以拼一下第二。 但儘管丟失了寶貴的積分,法拉利依舊支持阿隆索的做法,並認為遍布賽道的橡膠塊也可能是導致事故的原因之一。 “我喜歡他開車的方式,非常棒,但今年我們還需要考慮到的一點是,如果你丟失了線路,你可能會就遇到大麻煩,”多叔說。 “賽道很髒,到處都是橡膠塊,所以你要努力保持賽車線,如果你丟了線路,你就會把一些橡膠塊粘到自己的輪胎上,影響自己的表現。” “所以今年情況很複雜,如果你在形勢比較清楚的情況下有機會超車,那你可能要冒點險,因為超車並不是那麼容易。事實就是這樣,因為我覺得要不是尾翼發生了故障,我們本可以攻擊成功。” http://bbs.hellof1.com/2129974.html ------------------------------------------- Ferrari backs Alonso's aggressive style By Jonathan Noble Monday, April 11th 2011, 09:51 GMT Ferrari has backed Fernando Alonso's aggressive driving in the Malaysian Grand Prix - even though he threw away a podium finish when he clipped the back of Lewis Hamilton's car. Alonso was fighting Hamilton hard for third place in the closing stages of the race – and was hampered by his moveable rear wing not working - but mistimed a move and tagged the back of the McLaren on the run to Turn 4. That incident forced a pitstop and dropped Alonso to sixth at the chequered flag, with the team convinced he would have been in contention for second place. But despite losing valuable points, Ferrari has supported Alonso – and reckons the extensive tyre marbles on the track may have played a part in the crash. "I like the way he is driving, it is fantastic, but the other consideration is that we need to consider this year is that if you go off line it is a big problem," explained Domenicali. "The track is all dirty with the marbles, so you try to keep your line and, if you just go off the line, you put the marbles on the tyres and you lose performance. "So that is a tricky situation this year - that if you do have a chance to overtake with a clear situation then you have to take some risks because it is not easy. That is the way it is, because without the problem on the rear wing I think we could have really attacked." http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/90631 ----------------------------------------------- [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_400111.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_400112.jpg[/img]

2011/04/11 20:00:16

發文IP 246.170.*.*

由 attraversiamo 發表在HelloF1賽車·法拉利 http://bbs.hellof1.com/ferrari 法拉利支持肥南多·阿隆索在馬來西亞站最後階段為爭第三名的激進駕駛,哪怕他最終與劉易斯·漢密爾頓的賽車發生碰撞,丟掉了登上領獎台的機會。 碰撞發生後,法拉利賽車鼻翼受損,被迫進站,最終只能以第6完賽,車隊認為他原本甚至可以拼一下第二。 但儘管丟失了寶貴的積分,法拉利依舊支持阿隆索的做法,並認為遍布賽道的橡膠塊也可能是導致事故的原因之一。 “我喜歡他開車的方式,非常棒,但今年我們還需要考慮到的一點是,如果你丟失了線路,你可能會就遇到大麻煩,”多叔說。 “賽道很髒,到處都是橡膠塊,所以你要努力保持賽車線,如果你丟了線路,你就會把一些橡膠塊粘到自己的輪胎上,影響自己的表現。” “所以今年情況很複雜,如果你在形勢比較清楚的情況下有機會超車,那你可能要冒點險,因為超車並不是那麼容易。事實就是這樣,因為我覺得要不是尾翼發生了故障,我們本可以攻擊成功。” http://bbs.hellof1.com/2129974.html ------------------------------------------- Ferrari backs Alonso's aggressive style By Jonathan Noble Monday, April 11th 2011, 09:51 GMT Ferrari has backed Fernando Alonso's aggressive driving in the Malaysian Grand Prix - even though he threw away a podium finish when he clipped the back of Lewis Hamilton's car. Alonso was fighting Hamilton hard for third place in the closing stages of the race – and was hampered by his moveable rear wing not working - but mistimed a move and tagged the back of the McLaren on the run to Turn 4. That incident forced a pitstop and dropped Alonso to sixth at the chequered flag, with the team convinced he would have been in contention for second place. But despite losing valuable points, Ferrari has supported Alonso – and reckons the extensive tyre marbles on the track may have played a part in the crash. "I like the way he is driving, it is fantastic, but the other consideration is that we need to consider this year is that if you go off line it is a big problem," explained Domenicali. "The track is all dirty with the marbles, so you try to keep your line and, if you just go off the line, you put the marbles on the tyres and you lose performance. "So that is a tricky situation this year - that if you do have a chance to overtake with a clear situation then you have to take some risks because it is not easy. That is the way it is, because without the problem on the rear wing I think we could have really attacked." http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/90631 ----------------------------------------------- [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_400111.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_400112.jpg[/img] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8gncdGKib4[/youtube]
由 attraversiamo 發表在HelloF1賽車·法拉利 http://bbs.hellof1.com/ferrari








Ferrari backs Alonso's aggressive style

By Jonathan Noble Monday, April 11th 2011, 09:51 GMT

Ferrari has backed Fernando Alonso's aggressive driving in the Malaysian Grand Prix - even though he threw away a podium finish when he clipped the back of Lewis Hamilton's car.

Alonso was fighting Hamilton hard for third place in the closing stages of the race – and was hampered by his moveable rear wing not working - but mistimed a move and tagged the back of the McLaren on the run to Turn 4.

That incident forced a pitstop and dropped Alonso to sixth at the chequered flag, with the team convinced he would have been in contention for second place.

But despite losing valuable points, Ferrari has supported Alonso – and reckons the extensive tyre marbles on the track may have played a part in the crash.

"I like the way he is driving, it is fantastic, but the other consideration is that we need to consider this year is that if you go off line it is a big problem," explained Domenicali.

"The track is all dirty with the marbles, so you try to keep your line and, if you just go off the line, you put the marbles on the tyres and you lose performance.

"So that is a tricky situation this year - that if you do have a chance to overtake with a clear situation then you have to take some risks because it is not easy. That is the way it is, because without the problem on the rear wing I think we could have really attacked."








2011/04/12 00:06:21


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😆 希望這種纏鬥精神能延續下去,繼續替F150收集更多寶貴數據 。

😆 法拉利 加油~


2011/04/12 00:49:01


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2011/04/12 01:41:54


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2011/04/12 13:36:35


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