“As far as Ferrari is concerned, this will be a Grand Prix, which is traditionally not very good to us, but we will give it everything for a good result. I am happy that I’ve chosen an Italian driver, Fisichella, to race here and also Raikkonen is in great form. I’ll be back here tomorrow to talk about a new partnership, but that doesn’t mean anything in terms of choices for the near future: I want to say it again, that the drivers are chosen by Ferrari and not by the sponsors."
我很高興我能選擇一位義大利車手Fisichella來與Kimi搭檔, Kimi的狀態很好
我明天還會向大家介紹新的贊助商, 但這並不意味著車隊近期選擇的改變
我想再次重申: 是法拉利選擇車手, 而非贊助商選擇車手
Let's wait and see
“As far as Ferrari is concerned, this will be a Grand Prix, which is traditionally not very good to us, but we will give it everything for a good result. I am happy that I’ve chosen an Italian driver, Fisichella, to race here and also Raikkonen is in great form. I’ll be back here tomorrow to talk about a new partnership, but that doesn’t mean anything in terms of choices for the near future: I want to say it again, that the drivers are chosen by Ferrari and not by the sponsors."
我很高興我能選擇一位義大利車手Fisichella來與Kimi搭檔, Kimi的狀態很好
我明天還會向大家介紹新的贊助商, 但這並不意味著車隊近期選擇的改變
我想再次重申: 是法拉利選擇車手, 而非贊助商選擇車手
Let's wait and see
Ferrari總裁Luca di Montezemolo將與Santander銀行總裁Emilio Botin共同出席記者會宣布這項消息。
Santander決定捨棄McLaren改贊助Ferrari,一般相信與Fernando Alonso也將加入Ferrari車隊有關