F1新加坡賽 有人去嗎?


2013/08/28 18:16:27


#5079471 IP 243.85.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
在以為一定有招待票的信心下, 我訂了飛機與飯店, 還全家大小

飯店真是xx的貴, 4星的就一晚12000台幣, 漲一倍

想住金沙, 有錢也沒得住

結果得知今年招待票要簽到大老闆, 我應該沒份


還是要先避險一下, 問問買票的問題

不然這樣全家旅遊, 旁邊F1的引擎聲, 一定會讓我內傷



2012/10/07 08:06:55


#4542289 IP 155.147.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Kimi生日當天會公布新的合約, 不過, 廣告商似乎已經揭露方向...


Raikkonen to announce 2013 plans on birthday

Oct.6 (GMM/Inautonews.com) Kimi Raikkonen will announce his plans for the 2013 season on October 17.
Despite Lotus chiefs saying the Finn is staying in 2013, 2007 world champion Raikkonen insisted at Suzuka that he has not yet signed a deal.
But that will all change on his 33rd birthday.
A viral video has emerged on Youtube, depicting Raikkonen signing an unbranded contract and then putting his finger to his lips and saying “shhh”.
The description reads: “There has been a lot of speculation about what Kimi Raikkonen will do next season. This will all come to an end on the 17th of October when a new contract will be published.”
According to Finnish broadcaster MTV3, the company behind the video is Pulp Active Oy, an advertising agency that represents Raikkonen’s rally team Ice 1 Racing.


準F1車手--Davide Valsecchi


2012/09/24 09:47:42


#4522124 IP 91.87.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2012/09/24 09:47:42

發文IP 91.87.*.*

[img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_586439.jpg[/img] pic from gpupdate.com 剛出爐的GP2冠軍.. 重點是他的義大利籍.. 也因為如此, 我還蠻看衰他的 義大利在80年代是F1車手最多的國家, 曾有1/3的F1車手都是義大利籍 今年, 居然沒有任何F1正式車手, 中斷了30多年的紀錄.. 我只能說, 從車手看國家的興衰 西班牙還有車手, 是因為有南美市場挺, 所以西班牙這銀行還有銀彈玩 法拉利還能跑下去, 是因為有高速成長的亞洲市場 若他拿不到正式車手, 就會破了GP2成立以來, 惟一車手沒有F1正式車手的資歷... 我好像一直看衰他..因為我是挺巴西車手Razia的拉.. 不過, 我想義大利人應該會盡全力讓他進去...

2012/09/24 09:48:25

發文IP 91.87.*.*

[img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_586439.jpg[/img] pic from gpupdate.com 剛出爐的GP2冠軍.. 重點是他的義大利籍.. 也因為如此, 我還蠻看衰他的 義大利在80年代是F1車手最多的國家, 曾有1/3的F1車手都是義大利籍 今年, 居然沒有任何F1正式車手, 中斷了30多年的紀錄.. 我只能說, 從車手看國家的興衰 西班牙還有車手, 是因為有南美市場挺, 所以西班牙這銀行還有銀彈玩 法拉利還能跑下去, 是因為有高速成長的亞洲市場 若他拿不到正式車手, 就會破了GP2成立以來, 惟一冠軍車手沒有F1正式車手的資歷... 我好像一直看衰他..因為我是挺巴西車手Razia的拉.. 不過, 我想義大利人應該會盡全力讓他進去...

pic from gpupdate.com

也因為如此, 我還蠻看衰他的
義大利在80年代是F1車手最多的國家, 曾有1/3的F1車手都是義大利籍
今年, 居然沒有任何F1正式車手, 中斷了30多年的紀錄..

我只能說, 從車手看國家的興衰

西班牙還有車手, 是因為有南美市場挺, 所以西班牙這銀行還有銀彈玩
法拉利還能跑下去, 是因為有高速成長的亞洲市場

若他拿不到正式車手, 就會破了GP2成立以來, 惟一冠軍車手沒有F1正式車手的資歷...
不過, 我想義大利人應該會盡全力讓他進去...

Alguersuari is coming back to F1! 誰會去法拉利?


2012/09/21 13:51:52


#4518582 IP 188.250.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2012/09/21 13:51:52

發文IP 188.250.*.*

剛出來的熱新聞, 跟之前的猜測非常接近 我一直說我看好這小子回F1 不只是因為它有相當的天份, 他還是目前最懂倍耐力輪胎的車手.. 若他確定回歸 1. 有車隊的車手要離開, 目前普遍的猜測是Kovalainen或Perez 同時指向法拉利 2. 倍耐力續約 Kovalainen同時符合法拉利說的, 有經驗有小戰績... 好吧, 我就直說了, 可以是個稱職的二奶 法拉利選車手, 除了看贊助商臉色, 就是看Alonso.. 會選個小黑, Vettel? 讓他退休前冒著被年輕車手隊友擊敗的風險? 這也難怪最近的傳言甚囂塵上 Perez, 就不用說了, 我也從去年就看好他進法拉利 贊助商愛, 母語也通, 且後台超硬 但就是, 有08年的風險... 應該知道我在說啥 要贊助商選, 一定是Perez 要阿龍嫂選, Massa當然是首選! 然後是Kovalainen 因為他們都是經過"驗證"的好"隊友"!! 當然, 如果Massa留任 就白猜了 不過, 這小子若回來, 我真的很高興 我認為他算是菜鳥前段班的, 只是缺贊助而已 [url="http://www.gpupdate.net/en/f1-news/284231/alguersuari-poised-to-make-announcement-on-future/"]http://www.gpupdate.net/en/f1-news/284231/alguersuari-poised-to-make-announcement-on-future/[/url]

2012/09/21 14:47:39

發文IP 188.250.*.*

剛出來的熱新聞, 跟之前的猜測非常接近 我一直說我看好這小子回F1 不只是因為它有相當的天份, 他還是目前最懂倍耐力輪胎的車手.. 若他確定回歸 1. 有車隊的車手要離開, 目前普遍的猜測是Kovalainen或Perez 同時指向法拉利 2. 倍耐力續約 Kovalainen同時符合法拉利說的, 有經驗有小戰績... 好吧, 我就直說了, 可以是個稱職的二奶 法拉利選車手, 除了看贊助商臉色, 就是看Alonso.. 會選個小黑, Vettel? 讓他退休前冒著被年輕車手隊友擊敗的風險? 這也難怪最近的傳言甚囂塵上 Perez, 就不用說了, 我也從去年就看好他進法拉利 贊助商愛, 母語也通, 且後台超硬 但就是, 有07年的風險... 應該知道我在說啥 要贊助商選, 一定是Perez 要阿龍嫂選, Massa當然是首選! 然後是Kovalainen 因為他們都是經過"驗證"的好"隊友"!! 當然, 如果Massa留任 就白猜了 不過, 這小子若回來, 我真的很高興 我認為他算是菜鳥前段班的, 只是缺贊助而已 [url="http://www.gpupdate.net/en/f1-news/284231/alguersuari-poised-to-make-announcement-on-future/"]http://www.gpupdate.net/en/f1-news/284231/alguersuari-poised-to-make-announcement-on-future/[/url]
剛出來的熱新聞, 跟之前的猜測非常接近

不只是因為它有相當的天份, 他還是目前最懂倍耐力輪胎的車手..

1. 有車隊的車手要離開, 目前普遍的猜測是Kovalainen或Perez
2. 倍耐力續約

Kovalainen同時符合法拉利說的, 有經驗有小戰績...
好吧, 我就直說了, 可以是個稱職的二奶
法拉利選車手, 除了看贊助商臉色, 就是看Alonso..
會選個小黑, Vettel? 讓他退休前冒著被年輕車手隊友擊敗的風險?

Perez, 就不用說了, 我也從去年就看好他進法拉利
贊助商愛, 母語也通, 且後台超硬

但就是, 有07年的風險... 應該知道我在說啥
要贊助商選, 一定是Perez
要阿龍嫂選, Massa當然是首選! 然後是Kovalainen


當然, 如果Massa留任

不過, 這小子若回來, 我真的很高興
我認為他算是菜鳥前段班的, 只是缺贊助而已


[轉貼] 美媒看「豪」新季 平均21.8分、6.9助攻


2012/09/13 11:53:24


#4506085 IP 252.9.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
美媒看「豪」新季 平均21.8分、6.9助攻
-字+字自由時報 – 2012年9月13日 上午5:01
〔自由時報記者陳筱琳/綜合外電報導〕NBA 2012-13球季於10月30日開打,季前訓練營10月5日開始,運動部落格Bleacher Report文章預測火箭隊台裔好手林書豪新球季平均可貢獻21.8分、6.9助攻;ESPN記者爆料,熱火「大帝」詹姆斯與雷霆杜蘭特兩位球星再度一同練球。

明星賽先發 民調8成選他

Bleacher Report作者凱伊認為,林書豪新球季數據平均21.8分、6.9助攻、3.4籃板、1.8抄截、3.9失誤、投籃命中率42.5%、三分球命中率36.0%,他上季出賽35場平均14.6分、6.2助攻、3.1籃板、1.6抄截、3.6失誤、投籃命中率44.6%、三分球命中率32.0%。



大帝、雷帝 相約練球





2012/09/12 15:35:35


#4504959 IP 91.87.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

怎麼挺? 看下去...

中午休息時間, 玩了個手機射擊連線遊戲, 看到了個有趣的帳號.....

好的, 下一場我也來共襄盛舉, 挺釣魚台不分兩岸

打敗1000多人後, 終於拿到前三名, 你就可以把國旗插在釣魚台上!!

(前十名中有六個韓國人, 輸一個有點不爽)

之前用平板玩分數比較高, 因為手機螢幕太小了


雖然我也曾是快20年前Sega Rally遊戲大賽的台灣區前幾名..


F1 隊友之競爭狀況統計


2012/09/11 11:01:40


#4502724 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
是個很有用的隊友競爭現況統計, 提供參考

Red Bull Racing
Quali: Vettel 7-6 Webber
Race: Vettel 7-5 Webber
Vettel 14-11 Webber
RB one race less as neither driver finished in Italy.

Scuderia Ferrari
Quali: Alonso 12-1 Massa
Race: Alonso 12-1 Massa
Alonso 24-2 Massa

Lotus F1 Team
Quali: Grosjean 7-5 Raikkonen
Race: Raikkonen 10-2 Grosjean
Raikkonen 15-9 Grosjean
Lotus one race less due to Grosjean's ban in Italy

McLaren Mercedes
Quali: Hamilton 11-2 Button
Race: Hamilton 8-5 Button
Hamilton 19-7 Button

Quali: Schumacher 7-6 Rosberg
Race: Rosberg 7-6 Schumacher
Rosberg 13-13 Schumacher

Sauber F1 Team
Quali: Kobayashi 8-5 Perez
Race: Perez 7-6 Kobayashi
Kobayashi 14-12 Perez

Williams F1 Team
Quali: Maldonado 11-2 Senna
Race: Senna 9-4 Maldonado
Maldonado 15-11 Senna

Force India
Quali: Di Resta 7-6 Hulkenberg
Race: Di Resta 7-6 Hulkenberg
Di Resta 14-12 Hulkenberg

Scuderia Torro Rosso
Quali: Ricciardo 10-3 Vergne
Race: Ricciardo 7-6 Vergne
Ricciardo 17-9 Vergne

Quali: De La Rosa 11-1 Karthikeyan
Race: De La Rosa 11-1 Karthikeyan
De La Rosa 22-2 Karthikeyan
HRT are 1 race short because DNQ at Australia.

Quali: Kovalainen 11-2 Petrov
Race: Kovalainen 8-5 Petrov
Kovalainen 19-7 Petrov

Quali: Glock 8-5 Pic
Race: Glock 8-5 Pic
Glock 16-10 Pic



2012/05/30 12:33:31


#4275809 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
貓空真的是個好地方...看夜景跟陽明山比, 別有一番風味



2012/05/22 11:10:29


#4256317 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

蓮花: Kimi, Grosjean
麥拉崙: Hamilton, Button
法拉利: Alonso, Perez
威廉斯: Maldonado, Bottas
賓士: Rosberg, di Resta
紅牛: Vettel, (Webber or Ricciardo)
索伯: Kobayashi, (GP2的冠軍 or Massa)
印度威力: Hulkenberg, (Alguersuari or Webber)
STR: Vergne, (Ricciardo or GP2的冠軍)
Caterham: Petrov, and who cares?

以上並不是心中的理想組合, 是考量車隊後台, 贊助, 還有車隊選車手歷史經驗的預測
從上到下, 依機率值排名

Massa: 再混個2年
Schumi: 退休
Bruno: 若是最後兩車隊就建議他去跑Indy..
Alguersuari: 會回鍋, 他有實力, 只是少贊助, 但是目前身為倍耐力的測試車手可是大加分
Bottas: 請持續觀察威廉斯練習賽第一節, 神奇小子!
Di Resta: 個人蠻欣賞的車手, 跟Bottas一樣都沒有GP2的血液

奧運美國男籃靶子隊 林書豪入選


2012/05/15 11:18:22


#4240385 IP 252.9.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

【聯合晚報╱記者李亦伸/即時報導】 2012.05.15 10:43 am

林書豪今天入選2012奧運美國男籃靶子隊,這支靶子隊將在今年七月做為倫敦奧運美國男籃隊的訓練靶子。美國男籃總管柯蘭吉洛 (Jarry Colangole)表示,「美國奧運男籃隊大約有10個位置已經確定,最終名單會在7月7日公布」。


除了林書豪,這支靶子隊還包括最近兩年NBA選秀狀元騎士後衛厄文 (Kyrie Irving)、巫師後衛沃爾 (John Wall),以及魔術前鋒安德森 (Ryan Anderson)、公牛前鋒吉柏森(Taj Gibson)、爵士前鋒費佛斯 (Derrick Favors)、勇士後衛湯普森 (Klay Thompson)、國王中鋒卡辛斯(DeMarcusCousins)等年輕新世代。

目前美國男籃隊大約有18名健康球員,柯蘭吉洛指出,「除非我們再遇到重大傷病問題,否則我們將會在7月7日 (台北時間7月8日)宣布最後12名正選球員名單」。




根據舊金山灣區的CSN報導,倫敦奧運美國男籃代表隊的靶子隊已經選出13名球員,林書豪也雀屏中選,將與今年NBA年度最佳進步獎得主奧蘭多魔術隊前鋒安德森(Ryan Anderson)、選秀狀元爾文(Kyrie Irving)、沃爾(John Wall)等12名球員一同與美國代表隊訓練。

報導引述消息人士指出,林書豪的入選,擔任美國男籃助理教練,同時也是前紐約尼克隊總教練的狄安東尼(Mike D'Antoni)出力甚多,也全力支持林書豪獲選。




美國奧運男籃代表隊陣容幾乎已經大致底定,美國籃協執行長柯蘭基羅(Jerry Colangelo)表示,12名球員的正選名單將會在7月7日公布。

【2012/05/15 聯合晚報】@ http://udn.com/

全文網址: 奧運美國男籃靶子隊 林書豪入選 | 籃球 | 運動大聯盟 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/SPORTS/SP7/7093177.shtml#ixzz1uu96t3Zv
Power By udn.com



2012/05/15 09:56:42


#4240046 IP 252.9.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
其實 說真的

Valtteri Bottas, 這年輕的23歲芬蘭車手!!


而用的車好像都是Bruno Senna的...


這小子真的很強, 未來一定會浮上檯面
這幾年跳過GP2進F1的, 都是怪胎



2012/05/14 10:45:31


#4237638 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


前五站冠軍車手都不同, 上一次是1983年

前五站冠軍車隊都不同, 上一次也是1983年...


若Kimi拿下一站冠軍, 就徹底破F1紀錄

北宜追焦, 圖多


2012/05/03 11:01:01


#4216157 IP 188.250.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2012/05/03 11:01:01

發文IP 188.250.*.*

初體驗, 快門設定錯誤, 動態感不足 不過, 還是很新鮮很興奮 5/1呆一個多小時, 拍到10個廠牌, 幾十個車款, 選一些來分享 1.哈雷--拍到7~8台, 果然每台都不一樣 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541225.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541226.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541227.jpg[/img] 2.Suzuki [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541246.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541247.jpg[/img] 3.Yamaha [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541257.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541258.jpg[/img] 4.Honda [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541263.jpg[/img] 5.Kawasaki--最多的車種, 就是那台Ninja, 起碼拍到3種顏色 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541265.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541266.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541267.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541268.jpg[/img] 6. Trumph--稀有的英國名車 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541259.jpg[/img] 7.Ducati [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541262.jpg[/img] 8.Aprilia [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541268.jpg[/img] 9.BMW [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541260.jpg[/img] 警車也健康跑, 看到一個10多台BMW警車車陣, 我覺得他們在練車, 這張後面的是個女警 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541261.jpg[/img] 10.???--請解答, thanks. [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541269.jpg[/img] 謝謝觀賞

2012/05/03 11:02:31

發文IP 188.251.*.*

初體驗, 快門設定錯誤, 動態感不足 不過, 還是很新鮮很興奮 5/1呆一個多小時, 拍到10個廠牌, 幾十個車款, 選一些來分享 1.哈雷--拍到7~8台, 果然每台都不一樣 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541225.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541226.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541227.jpg[/img] 2.Suzuki [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541246.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541247.jpg[/img] 3.Yamaha [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541257.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541258.jpg[/img] 4.Honda [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541263.jpg[/img] 5.Kawasaki--最多的車種, 就是那台Ninja, 起碼拍到3種顏色 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541265.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541266.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541267.jpg[/img] 6. Trumph--稀有的英國名車 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541259.jpg[/img] 7.Ducati [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541262.jpg[/img] 8.Aprilia [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541268.jpg[/img] 9.BMW [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541260.jpg[/img] 警車也健康跑, 看到一個10多台BMW警車車陣, 我覺得他們在練車, 這張後面的是個女警 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541261.jpg[/img] 10.???--請解答, thanks. [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_541269.jpg[/img] 謝謝觀賞
初體驗, 快門設定錯誤, 動態感不足
不過, 還是很新鮮很興奮
5/1呆一個多小時, 拍到10個廠牌, 幾十個車款, 選一些來分享

1.哈雷--拍到7~8台, 果然每台都不一樣




5.Kawasaki--最多的車種, 就是那台Ninja, 起碼拍到3種顏色

6. Trumph--稀有的英國名車




警車也健康跑, 看到一個10多台BMW警車車陣, 我覺得他們在練車, 這張後面的是個女警

10.???--請解答, thanks.




2012/04/16 09:49:24


#4176943 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
"How ironic was it that in a race that depended on tyre wear and strategy..."


咦, 小尼可不是pole to win嗎?
Mercedes也有速度的啦, 也別這樣說
這冠軍比Alonso的上一場更札實, 無庸置疑
居然, Mercedes的上一場冠軍是57年前的方吉歐


我認為這場表現最好的是williams, 然後是紅牛
我一向不支持前段班, 老巴走人後, 還在找支持對象
去年開始挺Perez, 覺得他要去我絕對不會支持的車隊後, 我就有些冷了
Bruno, good job!

Kimi為何一定要離開法拉利, Massa為何一定不會離開?


2012/04/09 15:59:18


#4164088 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

看完這篇, 完全了解09年Kimi為何一定會離開法拉利,
還有, Massa為何一定不會離開法拉利的原因

當然, 跟贊助當然有關, 只是原來大便銀行挺Massa超過Alonso!!
我完全不認為, Massa今年有可能提前出場...
且這合作的關係, 明年會由Perez接手
因為, 大便銀行要開展墨西哥市場...

或是應該這樣說, 只要大便銀行持續贊助


還有, Kimi最討厭的人, 原來就是Schumi


Posted on April 5, 2012 by Soren

2008 was the year when Kimi won his second world championship. He breezed through the season scoring podiums and wins in most of the races. He did so with the full support of his team, Ferrari. Listening to his feedback and changing the components that he asked for. And so the legendary Ferrari team could celebrate another back to back drivers championship.

Or that is certainly how it could have been. That was in fact the way it was headed as well. Until money, sponsorship and the desire for a large Spanish corporation to see “their” driver placed in the Maranello based team got in the way.

Sensationalism? Conspiracy theories you may say? Far from it. The following segment consists of chronically collected articles readily available to the public. They are coupled with natural conclusions to be drawn therefrom. Now with hindsight and the luxury of time passing to better see the bigger picture, the truth is as ugly as it is sad. Full credit goes to the author of this piece, wrcva. A fellow forumer who took the time and energy to dig up and piece the puzzle together, forming the picture we already suspected.
My contribution is only minor edits and brushups for readability. With his permission of course.

I am aware that this is probably not news to a lot of people. But this piece was well researched and deserves attention in my opinion. My hope is that much of the nonsense regarding Kimis 2008 season can be put to rest with this.


Why Kimi was not on top of his game in 2008? by wrcva

The period between April-July 2008 is probably one of the worst periods not only in Kimi’s F1 career but probably in his life. All his life he and his family believed in hard work and doing their best to achieve good things on merit. In Kimi’s case this means putting his natural talents to best use in performing, and winning races.

Backdrop for 2008: The guy just won WDC the previous year, and he is already leading in points 4 races into the 2008 season. Life is good…

(April 27, 2008), FIA post-race press conf after winning Spain — Kimi – “It was a perfect weekend for us in Barcelona,” explained Raikkonen. “We were going really fast all the time and we didn’t have the slightest problem. Many times I have won and afterwards still had the feeling that it could have gone better. This time I did not have that feeling: this was probably the best weekend I’ve ever had in my career.”

The guy won Spain just 3 days ago… then, all of a sudden PR stuff & “rumors” kicks in. I am not sure who started them but the mission was to melt the iceman because it would be terrible PR to get rid of a 2 times WDC, in the event that he managed to win the 2nd one in 2008. In the following, partially narrated timeline, I have tried to put the main news item with the earliest approx. date of first showing up (in google news based on article posting date) out of 100s or 1000s regurgitated ones for each item. They give a good glimpse into what was in Kimi’s mind as he was facing a psychological PR war, aside from racing issues during 2008.

May 1, 2008 – Luca di Montezemolo: Massa’s future with the team is secure. It will be too damaging to partner Alonso with Kimi.
Keke Rosberg: Kimi has to make way for Alonso…
Domenicali: Kimi is motivated from head to toe, and I know he is not thinking about retiring.“ here.

Note: You can tell that they have been talking about Santander coming in as the new long term sponsor but the plan is to not to talk about it externally… This is the first time appearance of Kimi’s “motivation” by Domenicali. It is not yet used in a negative way but it is a crucial PR keyword because at this point they cannot start talking about Kimi’s performance as he is in the lead. But this is where the decision has been made that Kimi has to go. Also note the disconnect between LdM & Dom’s statements. Yes, the date is correct - May 1 2008, and instead of talking about the win 3 days ago, they are forced to answer questions about driver line-up.

May 8, 2008 – Niki Lauda “Last year Raikkonen was champion and now he is number one. Why must we now discuss whether Alonso is going to go there? They already have the perfect team with Massa, so why should they bang their heads together?”

Note: This is an honest statement by Lauda wondering WTF is going on… as there is significant chatter inside the F1 world… here

May 24, 2008 – Alonso signs for Ferrari — The word in the F1 paddock in Monte Carlo is that Fernando Alonso has just inked a deal to drive for Ferrari in 2010. No confirmation is expected for a year, and there may be denials of any arrangement, as there would obviously be some serious knock-on effects for other parties in the F1 paddock. here

Note: Spanish press is going nuts over this as well at this time.. You can use google news with date filters if you want to see for yourself. Emphasis: do not confirm and deny until next year — which they did…

June 6, 2008 – FIA interview — Kimi: “I still have a contract until the end of next year,” Raikkonen said during the press conference ahead of the Canadian Grand Prix at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve on Thursday. “I haven’t made any decision as to whether I will keep going or not. That’s the last contract I have and we will wait and see during this year and next year what happens.” “I haven’t made my mind up and we will see.”

Note: (this is the GP Hamilton rear ended Kimi) — why would this contract issue come up in the FIA press conference? You can tell internal discussions about his departure is well underway. Yet we are only 7 races into the season…

July 10, 2008 – According to popular German magazine Sport Bild, it would seem that Spanish bank Santander would be moving from sponsoring McLaren to become one of Ferrari’s top sponsors from 2009 onwards. The big bank would have their adverts on the front and rear wings, alongside lettering on the drivers overalls. Ferrari have been touting for a new top sponsor since cigarette advertisers were not allowed in many countries, Marlboro being the major backer for many years. With a contract with Marlboro still in place, hash markings would still be on the cars. For the Scuderia though, Santander have said the major condition of their deal is that former World Champion Fernando Alonso would drive for the team. He won’t confirm his future, and will not comment until September. here

Note: Santander-Ferrari-Alonso deal is done at this time but negotiations with Kimi are in full force. Look at the desired date for the sponsorship… Now, how did Alonso come up with that September date, unless he read Kimi’s contract and is familiar with the performance / and renewal options Kimi could exercise?? That is an accidental slip up by the Spaniard because the September date was significant only to Kimi’s contract. He cannot comment on what will happen because they do not know what Kimi will do yet – as Ferrari is still negotiating! (see Sep 12 news, in the following)

Aug 3, 2008 – FIA post-race int. Hungary — Q: People are talking about you retiring, not necessarily at the end of this year but at the end of next year. Are there any thoughts on that?
KR: I never said anything like that. I only said that I have a contract until the end of next year and then somebody made up that I will stop at the end of this year or the end of next year, but I never said that.

Note: Guess who is propagating retirement rumors? This is a pretty major PR war against Kimi… and they are wearing him out. You know, all by itself, it is pretty hard to fight for the WDC – even when you have full support from the team…

Aug 24, 2008 – FIA post-race press con – Massa: “My win in Valencia moves me ahead of Kimi into second place in the championship. I’ve been asked if I feel Ferrari should favour me for the title since there are just six races remaining. All I can say is that I want to keep winning, to keep beating not just my teammate (Kimi Raikkonen) but others too,” Massa was quoted as saying on the Ferrari website. The Brazilian, who is on 64 points, six behind the leader Lewis Hamilton, further added that he has got nothing to do with such decisions. “I just do the best possible job for the team and leave the rest to the management,” he added.

Raikkonen is third on the table with 57 points. Meanwhile, Kimi has rubbished the claim that he lacks motivation. “Next week, we will go to Spa (venue of the next Grand Prix). I love this track. I will give it all to win again. If someone has doubt as far as my motivation is concerned: go ahead. I want to win. More than ever,” he said on the Ferrari website.

Note: Since April, Kimi’s lack of motivation stories have been propagating into millions of articles, blog and forum posts. (Google is your friend). Motivation is the keyword because they still cannot talk about performance…
太長無法全貼, 有興趣請看原文



2012/03/27 15:07:28


#4139572 IP 91.87.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2012/03/27 15:07:28

發文IP 91.87.*.*

雪邦賽的場外花絮.. 猶記多年前Kimi在這賽道時, 媒體捕捉到開冰箱拿雪糕跟可樂... 兩年前的雪邦賽周日當天, Kimi還提醒媒體, 送大家每人一個"sundae", 幽自己一默 Sepang "Sundae" 我看他真的很enjoy回來這個賽事 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_528707.jpg[/img] http://www.f1pulse.com/news/20120326144/iceman-raikkonen-chills-the-media

2012/03/27 15:12:22

發文IP 188.251.*.*

雪邦賽的場外花絮.. 猶記多年前Kimi在這賽道時, 媒體捕捉到開冰箱拿雪糕跟可樂... 雪邦賽周日當天, Kimi還提醒媒體, 送大家每人一個"sundae", 幽自己一默 Sepang "Sundae" 我看他真的很enjoy回來這個賽事 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_528707.jpg[/img] http://www.f1pulse.com/news/20120326144/iceman-raikkonen-chills-the-media

猶記多年前Kimi在這賽道時, 媒體捕捉到開冰箱拿雪糕跟可樂...

雪邦賽周日當天, Kimi還提醒媒體, 送大家每人一個"sundae", 幽自己一默

Sepang "Sundae"





2012/02/10 10:19:00


#4040483 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
才幾天, 尼克應該已經回收了林的78萬美金

中國大陸, 台灣, 菲律賓等亞洲國家電視台紛紛新增或改撥尼克隊的比賽

紐約的體育台因為林的先發, 收視率上升了36%


部份資訊來自 yahoo.com:

NEW YORK (AP)—Jeremy Lin is making the Knicks must-see TV in Asia.

The NBA says Thursday its Asian TV partners have added Knicks games to their broadcast schedules following the emergence of Lin, the first American-born NBA player of Chinese or Taiwanese descent.

Sina in China will show Friday’s game against the Lakers, while stations in Taiwan will televise Knicks games this month against Toronto, Sacramento, New Orleans, New Jersey and Atlanta. ESPN Philippines also added the Feb. 17 Hornets game in New York.

Lin, an undrafted guard from Harvard, has led the Knicks to three straight wins, scoring more than 20 points in each game.

Ironically, his performances are missed by many in New York. A dispute between Time Warner Cable and MSG Network is keeping the Knicks off that system.

MSG said its ratings are up 36 percent over its season average in the two games since Lin moved into the starting lineup on Monday.

林書豪先發, 成為尼克隊看板球星


2012/02/07 09:15:00


#4032086 IP 252.9.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
丹東尼雖然腦殘, 但面臨失業危機還真的不得不賭上這亞洲小子

禍不單行的Kubica, 摔一跤


2012/01/12 09:47:51


#3983721 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
在冰上摔一跤, 原來骨折處又開了...😌
看到原文時, 直覺聯想像是被ICEMAN冰人搞到摔一跤, 就像是現在的處境

Robert Kubica injures leg in fall
By Jonathan Noble Wednesday, January 11th 2012, 18:01 GMT

Robert Kubica has injured his leg in a fall near his home, with sources close to the Polish driver suggesting that he has reopened a fracture that he sustained in his rally accident last year.

It is understood that Kubica fell over on ice in Pietrasanta, where he lives, and subsequently complained of pain in the right leg which was broken in his crash. He was driven to the local hospital for checks.

Although there has been no official statement, it is understood that it has been found that Kubica has reopened the fracture in his right tibia.

Kubica's latest injury setback comes on the same day that Ferrari played down talk that it was planning to test the Polish driver later this year once he was fully recovered.

Sources suggested that the injury is likely to delay his recovery by at least three weeks.

"That was not on our plan," said Ferrari team principal Stefano Domenicali at the annual Wrooom media event.

"For sure Robert Kubica is a great driver that had a very severe injuries and at the moment he is still working very hard to try to go back to his normal living.

"So before any kind of thinking or discussion of whatever could be, we need to wait and see. For sure that kind of injury is taking a long time to recover so I can say we will wait and see if he is going to recover, but at the moment there is nothing in place."

FIA 明確定義"one move"的規定


2012/01/09 11:00:23


#3975785 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Article 20.3: More than one change of direction to defend a position is not permitted. Any driver moving back towards the racing line, having earlier defended his position off‐line, should leave at least one car width between his own car and the edge of the track on the approach to the corner.

現在定義清楚了 one move...and "one car width"

使用方式, 甚至秒數都可能改變..