
Celica GTS 6 speed?.....


I guess the slowest 6 speed sports car is the NEW Celica.<br>what do you think GTS?<br><br>even the new American 6 speed Sentra SE-R spec- v is faster than GTS<br><br>the Integra's 5speed transmission even better than the GTS' 6 speed...



I think the cars, which under 200hps or under 2000cc is not qualified with the 6 speed transmission.

only the Celica drivers will said: GTS is faster than Integra type R.



slowest 6 speed?
dose it matter?
its not about how many gear, its about the pleasure of driving with 6M.
i disagree with the integra 5 speed is better.
besides the old R isnt much faster than GTS(only about 0.4 seconds) despite it has forged pistons and all the other human intensive treatments. dont forget that GTS is a mass production car unlike all the R cars are been treated with human hands.
the new R cars are quite good, i am not sayin R is bad or anything.
how many N/A cars under 2L can u think of that is faster than Celica? 4 ? 5? and its a very fast car after tuning. now i can have a fair race with s15, not too bad in my opinion.
the most important is that it looks cool~




那麼~~~ 汽車工程師也就不須要想盡辦法將「CVT系統」給裝到汽車上面了。

那麼~~~ 你就會知道為何要將「6速手排變速箱」給裝到像Sentra的汽車上面了。



mm......Celica GTS......Integra Type R.......
I still like Type-R more..............



"a mass production car unlike all the R"
So...just don't say anything about your car is faster than Type R again and again...
I am not a Honda or Toyota driver, and my car also slower than yours.
6speed is for those top cars.
I did not say GTS suck because you seemd like to compare with Honda.

Celica not bad.
top one FF...keep dreaming



CVT 最棒!!!
可根據轉速無段調整齒比. 現在最好ㄉ CVT 就是 Nissan extroid cvt system.



nice to read your 回應.
Sorry about I could not type Chinese...

6speed super cars are all young people's dream cars.
I guess most people could not pay that much for a car so they make those cheap 6speed 2doors or even 4doors car

I also can say the cheapest 6speed is.......



well i am not goin to tune it and make it the worlds fastest FF car.
i dont have that kindaf money and i am not a speed hardcore.
i just want a alternative. on a street full of R and still get R?
6 speed is not only for top cars...its for all cars.
u get better acceleration with it and more top speed.
u seen to have some weird concept about 6M for this, 5M for that(no offence).
my car is with 6M? so what?
if u got a problem with that, go tell toyota.



I don't have to tell Toyota.
Everybody knows Civic is better than Corola
Integra is better than Celica
Nsx is much better than Supra
Tell you what...
You , even Toyota didn't say Celica is the fastest the FF

Go to check the september Japanese Option magazine
see which is the fastest car.



X the fastest car X

O the fastest FF O



"R cars are been treated with human hands." I don't agree this, u can say R cars are limited, but not from human hands. And about which car is faster, I think even Celica is faster, but Type-R has been made more than 7 or 8 years. It's not fare to compare two car like this. even NSX has been made more than 10 years. How can u compare SUNNY (10 years ago) with Sentra 2001?? it's not fare. But I am not saying that Type-R is slower than Celica GTS, accrding the data from Toyota and Honda or Acura, I am not sure if GTS really faster than Type-R from 0~100, cause even many magazines did this kind of test, and come out different data. We only know that different driver can make different data for acceleration. For the shape, people have different view point, it's nonsense to deal with car's shape.



I don't want to say, but someone force me to say:

"Only the Celica drivers will say that Celica is fast"

oh, man...



i never said celica is faster than R or its the faster FF.
i never said corola is faster than civic
i never said supra is better than NSX, but the fact is that supra performs better in races and ofcourse GTR RULES!
R is faster so what?
do i give a phuck?

the whole argument is not only meaningless and also childish!




To integra R:
all R engine been treated with hand made parts and tuned individually but the honda's technician. The engine of NSX is even more so, its assembled by "one" single technician with hands.
thats why its very good engine and also very expensive. this is also teh reason why R cars r limited.
I am not lying.



sorry, typing error
"all R engine been treated with hand made parts and tuned individually but the honda's technician"
should be
"All R engines are been treated with hand made parts and tuned individually by ...."



Celica 兄,
原來Type-R真的是用手做的,因為我之前一直覺得Type-R沒有想像中那麼貴,覺得用手做的車多像是藍寶基尼那樣的車,怎麼會是Type-R, anyway 謝謝又上了一課.其實我一直有個問題,當初你買Celica時,就打算要好好改那台車了嗎?因為我總覺得Nissan 或 Honda的車會有更多的改裝套件,如果要買的話,怎麼不買兩個牌子的一種呢?我看過一個朋友Celica的引擎室,就像歐洲車一樣一塊一塊包著,聽說連平衡桿都不太能裝,如果說是因為VVTi的話,Honda新的i-VTEC應該也是很好的.還是因為Celica的造型呢??且聽說TRD的東東價錢都不低勒,聽說罷了,我沒開過Toyota的車,所以不清楚.....by the way,我想亨利兄應該也不是要對Celica這台車有甚麼意見~~
亨利兄: Celica兄也說了他沒有要說Celica是最棒的或是最快的前驅車,我想大家也就停一下吧~~



iVTEC 跟 VVTL-i 可以說是同樣ㄉ引擎, 只是一個 2.0L 一個 1.8L.
都是屬於 VVL + VVT ㄉ設計, 效率都是100hp/L. Honda 現在應該是為了省錢, 所以統一使用 iVTEC. 只是為了車種不同而多裝/少裝排氣門 VVT + VVL.
iVTEC 比以前ㄉ VTEC 進步多了!



oh... after everyone read yours, people would know the person need to grow up is U...
Are u sure u didn't said your GTS is fast? ...all of the readers knew that. they just like me to let u keep showing off...
u will very sorry about comparing ur GTS with Type R...
I just said: NSX is better than supra. Every Japanese driver knew that...unless those toyota drivers.
If you like to live in the dream, just keep going,but never compared your slowest 6 speed FF with Type R


